Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fear Exposed!

It is a beautiful day, is it not beloved ones? Indeed every day is beautiful... although it is not always seen as this... and what can cloud the perception of beauty? it is what I will speak about upon this day, fear.. Indeed even the word itself carries a vibration doesn't it? It strikes a cord within us simply to hear the word FEAR... I have heard it said that the definition of fear is: False Evidence Appearing Real and I would say that this is certainly an enlightened way to look upon fear... as the illusion that it is..

Your world is based in duality, polar opposites... as there is Love there must be Fear... as there is right, there must be wrong... as there is good, there must be bad... this has been the core principle of your experience of Life... In fact, this is the core principle of YOU... You see, in order for the brilliant Light that you are... the Wonderful Vibration that IS you... to be Human, you must be surrounded by flesh... you must have a body... the body is heavy, dense... it does not vibrate at the speed and frequencies of the Light that you are... and therefore, you are Earth bound within it... here to experience the gift and phenomenon called Life!

As this process is started, and in order to accommodate a body... your vibration slows down, the Light of you is minimized and hidden deep within your consciousness, you then begin to forget what you are and EMBODY this human frame... becoming both ENLIGHTENED and UNENLIGHTENED... Welcome to the experience of duality... and what a beautiful experience it is dear ones! for it delivers to you.. CHOICE.

In reality, there is no such thing as duality.. we are all truly one light, one vibration, one heart, one breath... the unique experience that Life on Earth brings, is that embodiment of both enlightenment and unenlightenment... both love and fear... good and bad... the game of life dear ones, is to awaken to who you truly are WITHIN this experience... that is, to CHOOSE enlightenment... to choose Love.. to choose happiness... joy.. peace.. as we choose these qualities of Life, we are RE-MEMBERING who we truly are... as well, when we choose hate, fear, jealousy, suffering... we are further deepening our forgetfulness...

Because we are so loved by our Father, you are not left to fend for yourself in forgetfulness.. HE has equipped the human body with a computer, if you will... that does all the mundane tasks required for everyday life, it beats your heart... regenerates your cells, functions your organs... it also remembers your choices and presents them back to you as default actions, you would call them habits... Fear is ALWAYS based in the past, made up of choices you've made about something you've seen, heard, or experienced before, never in the present... what happens as the more one chooses the unenlightened aspects of life like fear, and self doubt, hate, victimization... one becomes so much asleep in unenlightenment, in form, in density, that the body's computer takes over... much like an auto pilot will take over in the absence of the pilot... and this becomes your life, always getting the same results.. falling into the same traps... always being a victim, always being hurt... again, because you are so loved there will be things and people that come along to wake you up, to INSPIRE you to choose differently... these are no coincidences, your Father wants so badly for you to be a winner of this game, to enjoy this experience called life...

And should you be inspired, and choose from enlightenment, which is to choose from Love... there is a whole new world presented you! Different results happen, things seem to just fall in place... life becomes a beautiful experience... you are loving yourself, and everything around you as that reflection of yourself... you are PRESENT, for that is where Loves lives... you follow that Light in your Heart and let it guide you... let it heal you! Let it Awaken you! I can promise you beloved sisters and brothers, there can truly be Heaven on Earth...

So as you go about your day and in your relationships... remember that there are really only TWO choices to ever make: LOVE which is always in the Present, felt in our hearts, and always open to the beauty and Light that we truly are.. Or FEAR: which is really only Love forgotten and asleep, remembering itself as past choices and habits...

To Lighten up this topic, which I will agree is a heavy one... I will close by reminding you that this is indeed the Game of Life, so have fun with it... it does not have to be so serious! At the end of the day, we are all held in Love... Go and Be Inspired!
