Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All Is Well

Most Beloved friends, what a pleasure it is to greet you on this lovely day!! During this wonderful time! Indeed you may say, this time does not seem so wonderful... there is tragedy and disaster in parts of your world at this time, there is struggle and poverty... unemployment, no health care... there are many issues that seemingly plague your world at this time.. and still I say, what a wonderful time this is sisters and brothers! The divine plan is unfolding just as it is supposed to...

Tragedy and disaster calls to our inner being, calls for love... calls for service.. many of you have not prayed until there was a "need" for prayer, have not been thankful for what you have until it is measured against tragedy... indeed disaster serves a purpose... and what is struggle or poverty? It is the Universes way of slowing you down, of causing you to look at something, before moving on... most likely it is right before you.. find it dear ones, and end your struggles.. unemployment as I view it, is a matter of alignment... as your world is changing, it is time to re-align yourselves... there is an opportunity for you to align with what truly serves you, a course correction if you will.. this is a magnificent thing...

All is well in the Universe dear ones, Trust and Faith are required for Peace... for if one was to simply look upon the world and its affairs, or even ones own particular circumstances... without the benefit of Faith and Trust that all is well, that All IS as it should be... one will very easily be disturbed and distracted... perhaps even disheartened and angry... these emotions come up as we allow our perceptions to run a muck as they choose... for they are only emotions, they simply feed off stimuli and react... just as they are supposed to, indeed your emotions even have Faith and Trust... as they do not question or reason, they trust that you are seeking a particular reaction based on your thoughts... and so, you are angry.. and hurt...

And when there is Faith and Trust that you are not forgotten beautiful ones, that indeed Heaven is looking upon you in EVERY moment and therefore NOTHING is out of place... then all is well within you... then your emotion reacts with joy.. with a sense of security... with love.. and Peace... this is what being aligned with your higher Self is all about... Trust and Faith.

Sisters and Brothers, there is so much that is just out of your view... past your perception... if all were within your view, then what would there be to learn? And indeed life is about learning... learning to Trust and have Faith... that is all dear ones! Trust that your steps are guided, that there is no coincidence you are taking the very step you are taking right at this moment... and Faith that even though you cant see ahead, the way is being prepared for you... if you only knew beloved ones, how the Heavens conspire to serve you... you would never be without Trust or Faith... for it is truly a miraculous thing, to see how much love and time is devoted to YOU... ahhh, but again.. if this were so, what would there be to learn?

Trust in yourself, and have Faith that all is well...

In love, Michael