There is possibility in chaos, there is possibility in calm... in silence, in seemingly non -movement, there is possibility... life itself, is possibility in form... Very simply, Possibility IS everywhere! We greet you brother's and sister's, upon this day, with a question: What is possible?
What is possible in your life? In your relationships? In your work? In your play? In your body? As the tiny acorn believes that it is possible to become A Great Oak tree, so does it become a great oak tree... you might say, the acorn does not have a choice in its evolution... and I would say to this, nothing exists without purpose.. even the acorn... indeed as you believe in possibility dear sisters and brothers, so does possibility become so... unlike you, the tiny acorn does not have a logical mind with which to reason away its possibility... for if this was so, the acorn would indeed now think that its was surely too small to become a great oak, or perhaps not as strong as the acorn that just fell beside it... its color not rich enough, its smell not distinct enough to ever become a great oak tree... and, as well.. this would be so...
My point beloved ones, is that possibility is just beyond your fingertips... just beyond the next words spoken from your lips... the next thought or picture in your mind... the Universe- and we would say this is the hand or arm of God- awaits your commands of creation... the how, and when, is her function... she is ready to see your possibilities, your creations, into manifestation... you see beloved ones, it is her very clear purpose to be the vehicle for your creations... the fertile ground in which your possibilities and creations are brought to life! And in this, she is unbiased... unwavering... so if you are believing and therefore creating that you are too small, or not as strong as the next person, or not enough... indeed this will come to be So...
We say to you dear ones, believe in possibility... be as blind or as clear and focused as the little acorn in what you want, what you think, what you believe... indeed this is what you are creating! The parameters of possibility are expanding dear ones... the reality that this cannot be so, or that that will never happen, are fading away... and in its space, the impossible is becoming possible... look around and see that this is already so... If you continue to create limitation, limitation is what you shall receive... Believe that you will become the Great Oak, and you shall!!
In Loving Possibility...