Thursday, October 6, 2011

All that You Are....

Beloved ones, upon this day... do we say to you, REMEMBER who you are... you are the mighty and bountiful children of God! You are the wonderful and marvelous creations of the Father of All-There-Is! You are the recipients of all of the Love and Blessings that shine down from the Heavens! You are Beautiful... You are Courageous... You are Powerful... and indeed, you are Perfect!

We bring forth this reminder, if you will, of all that you are during these times especially dear ones... for we can see as we witness you that this is a time of extreme forgetfulness... this is a time of unsurety... not only for what and who it is that you Are, but as well for what your purpose is in this experience... As many of the paradigms and belief structures that have been in place amongst Humanity for many of days, is withering and crumbling away... so does your sense of who and what you are begin to shift... so much of your perceived worth and value has been tied into these, now fading, belief structures... they have been the markers for what you would consider progress or success... the have been the measure by which you have judged not only others, but yourselves...

These belief structures, which are the "social norms" so to speak.. have been put in place dear ones to do exactly the opposite of what they claim... they claim to be what is a "Standard" or "Model" of what one would ascend to if she or he is to be accepted as "Good", or "Successful" by what is society's perception... but indeed these belief structures that you so desperately cling and hold on to accomplish nothing but "Judgement", "Separation", and "Fear"... and this my beloved sisters and brothers, is the True function of these social and political "norms"...

They have been put in place to keep you as far away from your True essence as possible... they have been put in place to keep you occupied with "the rat race of life" to the extent that you never question what life itself is even about... indeed as I speak this many of you are pondering that question, "what AM I here for?" and as well, many of you have asked this question at different times throughout your experience of Life... and as you have asked this question dear ones, what was your next action? Was it to listen and receive an answer? Was it to explore this more fully? Indeed there are those of you who have done both of these things, and indeed they have gotten their answer... but for the greater majority of Humanity however, this question is asked and before an answer can even begin to present itself to you... you are swept back into that black hole of judgement, separation, and fear... your purpose, if you will, is only a passing concern, and is not as important as obtaining that promotion at work... learning the latest gossip about another... or perhaps it is that new automobile that you must have... and how you must have it before any of your friends have it... or why someone else is better off than you... it goes on and on beautiful ones.. and again, Judgement, Separation, and Fear... this is what you have been giving your energy and attention to...

And as all that is done in the dark, will eventually come to Light... those beliefs structures and "norms" that have come to be woven into the consciousness of Humanity, are falling apart... they are indeed coming to the light, and many of you are beginning to see them for what they Truly are... a means to a Separation... it may disguise itself under the smokescreen of racial separation, political, social, or income class separation... which is being reflected not only in your own households and communities, but as well globally and within the economy and governments... indeed there are great "structures" falling apart this time...

If indeed, the function of these structures are a means to Separation... the question then becomes, as it applies to the individual, what am I being separated FROM? I will leave you, for now, with this... there is only one answer to this question...

In Love...