Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Shout Out To The Unrecognized Heroes!! :)

What a beautiful day it is beloved ones!  Would a beautiful day is it to be
IN Love!  And thus, upon this day, do we re-member our heroes. Those
courageous sisters
and brothers who have chosen to carry our burdens with
them into the hands of God.

As many of you know, and some are becoming aware of, Earth as well as
humanity is at a time of new birth. What we will call the old cycle of
things is ending, and in our midst... right in front of our very eyes, is a new
cycle beginning. And so as Mother Earth is preparing for this transition to
what is a new Age for her, must she be freed of the baggage, if you will,
that remains from this current cycle of things. And what is this baggage?  It is
Mis-thought, it is Mis-belief. It is the culmination of your thoughts of
separation and fear. This can also be called karma. I'm sure most of you are
familiar with what is the term karma, and so in this sense, let us consider
that there is planetary karma.

Because our universe is built on the perfection that Love makes possible, it
is SO that every soul must balance what is his or her karma. This is to say
that we are all responsible for each and every thought. And since thought is
the only Cause, and everything else an Effect, thought is all there is. And
so when we believe and therefore give power to a thought that is not true, that is not in alignment with who we are as children of God, it creates what actually looks to be a cloud of darkness that sits just beyond Earth's atmosphere where all of your unmanifested thought sits. As this dark cloud becomes heavier and heavier with these mis-aligned thoughts, does it begin to harden and then seep down into Earth's field to be breathed in and absorbed by the Earth and everything that is upon it. This is the true origin of disease and suffering..

Yes, it is from your very own thoughts that so many of the ailments and diseases that plague humanity are formed…  Mis-aligned thought, manifested in the physical body…  The looming cloud of guilt and belief in separation from God, for example, is being reflected for many of you as diabetes… Anger and hate, are typically expressed in the body as cancer. And so as many of those upon the planet are beginning to anger at their circumstances, as well as those who wish to control humanity are in anger that they are losing their grip of control. Do we see more human beings, animals, wildlife, nature and sea life, even the Earth herself, manifesting this cancer within their bodies.

At this time dear ones there is what we will call a buildup of this karma
that is surrounding the planet, and as this is the ending of a cycle. Earth
cannot wait for every soul to balance his or her individual
karma, and so measures are taken to relieve the planetary karma so that
Earth can transition into the new cycle successfully. These measures play
out in many different ways. The Earth herself does her part in relieving
this, which is reflected thru the many different climate changes and
"natural disasters" which we have witnessed more intensely over the past
years. I have spoken before of this as “Coalescing”…  And then there is You dear ones, many of you have begun to practice the forgiveness that is needed to heal this mis-thought that exist among you. Many of you have awakened to new possibilities of Love, not only of and for yourselves, but for your brothers and sisters as well. There is no coincidence as to the timing of this. There is a reason and design that is bringing forth what you call the "Green" movement, the caring for of the Earth and her Eco-systems, the exposure of many of the systems that are set in place to control humanity. There is something new at hand for humanity, and at a soul level we are all preparing for that.

This understanding gives us new perspective in which to view the heroes in
our midst who have typically gone unrecognized. These are the sisters and
brothers who have chosen to actually embody this planetary karma, so that
they may transition it into healing. Whether they have been born with what
is called disease, or they have chosen to embody this along their lifetime.
It has been a part of their mission to transmute this karma for humanity and
for Earth. And so that is why I am calling them heroes, for they are doing
this selfless work for all. Giving up their lives even, so that humanity and
Earth can move forward. Are these not the same works of Jesus Christ?  And
so should these unrecognized heroes be regarded in the same Light.

What beauty and courage must it take to allow what is the darkness of
humanity to manifest within one's own body, so that it can be carried
forward and placed into the hands of God. And so to those of you who have
lost a loved one to what is termed "disease", know that because of their
selfless act. There is one less child being born with disease, there is one less
crime being committed, there is one less earthquake or tsunami that needs to
happen. Because of these wonderful heroes to humanity, there is less anger,
fear and guilt in the world.

And I would take just a moment to include those beings that are being born
with what is called "Autism"… these special beings are truly heroes amongst
us. For they have chosen to transmute this karma during their lifetime. They
are rendering an invaluable service to humanity through their transmutation
of our mis-thoughts and mis-beliefs of ourselves. And so because of the
courageous mission on which they embark, they have been endowed with the gifts
and tools necessary to accomplish this.  Cherish these beautiful beings, as
well as the memories of our heroes who have left unrecognized for their

Enjoy your experience of life upon this day, and do enjoy each other.

IN Love..
