Good day beloved ones.. And what a beautiful day and time
is it to BE in love! And what we have noticed about this time. Most
particularly in the past weeks and month. Is that it has been perhaps more
difficult to stay grounded. To have clarity of purpose and direction. To
discern what thoughts and emotions are yours, and what is that of the
environment that surrounds you. As there is so much that is in flux at this
time, it can become easy to lose one's footing and slip away.
If you have been in experience of this, you are indeed
not alone. As well, you are certainly exactly where you are supposed to be.
Energies that are flowing upon you at this time, have been quite powerful as
well as transformative energies. And even for those who find it easy to remain
grounded, you may find that you have been a bit off of axis during this time.
You see, it is much like standing on the beach as you enjoy the beautiful ocean
water with the sand beneath your feet.. its waves pushes the water closer to you, and
then it gently flows back into the ocean from whence it came.. As it makes its
descent, does it take with it a bit of the sand that is beneath your feet.
Sometimes leaving you temporarily off-balance as you regain your footing and
prepare for what is the next wave to come in...
It is much the same in this instance. Energy or light is
distributed throughout the cosmos in waves. Which results in what you may
understand as the ripple effect. If you would notice this in action it simply
takes one drop to create an infinite ripple. And this is the delivery system
throughout our universe. Only it is a constant drop, and a constant ripple. And so we are always moving through what would be waves
of consciousness or energy or light... or transformation and growth. And so as
this ripple or wave, or as many understand it breath or round of Brahma makes
its way to the furthest reaches of the Universe. Do the Angels, the
elementals, the sun and the moon, even
the planetary systems such as your beautiful mother Earth, and all of the
beautiful beings that serves God's children do their work in facilitating and
guiding the stars and planets to be in just the perfect place as to receive and
assimilate this wave or ripple of energy or light. This facilitating and
guiding process, is what you will know as the solstices, the equinoxes, the
changing of the seasons, the full moons. Much of what is deemed
"natural" processes, are indeed helped along and nurtured. Just as
the heart continues to beat without any thought or direction for it to do so,
the means are in place to assist you in these things. And why would so many
beings and systems be commissioned solely to assist you? It is because you are
the beloved children of God, so powerful and precious in HIS eyes, that
literally the entire Universe is conspiring to your benefit.
And so, as I have mentioned... This last wave of energy or
light that has moved upon the planet, has been a powerful and transformative
energy. So much so that many have been perhaps off-balance as your bodies are
resonating to this energy. For some it has bought what would be confusion, for
some it is a lack of motivation or inspiration, for many it has been a sense of
ungroundedness. You should notice that it has been improving, and many of you
are beginning to regain your footing at this time. And it is almost as if you
have taken a nap or a short sleep of sorts, and awakening to find that time has
sort of flown by. That is the power of this particular wave of light that you
are moving through. It is quite creative in nature, and transformative in
structure. Indeed that is why this is the energy that brings forward what is
the process of spring, and the season of summer. It is the very same creative
force that brings flowers to full bloom, and the trees to thriving with fruit
and leaves... It calls to duty the sun, who acts as a sprinkler system
showering earth with all of this lovely creative and active energy. It is
indeed, as I began this transmission, a beautiful time to BE in love!
We are sharing this information with you dear ones, so
that you may have some understanding of what is going on around and about you.
And indeed so that you may take advantage of the beautiful creative energy that
is flowing amongst you. And what does this mean, to take advantage of this? You
see you are just as the flower or the tree, in that you may use these energies
to bring forth and manifest that which you wish to bring forth. This is the
fruit of your desire! And while the flowers and the trees have been created
without choice of purpose, you, our beloved brothers and sisters... Serve many
purposes. You serve purpose to yourself and within your very own life, you
serve a purpose within your family... Your community... And indeed to humanity
as the collective. And so because you are so multifaceted in purpose, you are
given free will to choose in which, and in what way you will serve your
purpose. Or whether you will serve any purpose at all. And because of this you
are always at choice. And so in every moment who you are choosing to BE, is
what you are manifesting. Who you are BE-ing will become the very fruit that
you will bare.
And so it is very important that you are conscious and
aware of who you are BE-ing at all times. To this we offer the guidance to BE
In Example! Indeed be the very example
of that which you wish to manifest in your life. So if you are wishing to
manifest gold, be the example of Golden. If you are wishing to manifest love,
be the example of love. If you are wishing to manifest abundance, be that
example of abundance. If you are looking for forgiveness, be the example of
forgiveness. If you are calling for peace, BE the example of peace.. Are you
being the best example of a Father? Or a Mother? Friend? Began to be aware of
what it is that you are exemplifying in every moment... And what you will
notice is that your life will bare the fruit of who you are Be-ing. So in this
way you are taking advantage of the powerful transformative and creative
energies that are flowing through you at this time, simply by being the example
of that which you desire. And just like the waves of the ocean will carry you
you on its back, so will this wave of love and light carry you to where you
want to BE. If you can make this your purpose, to exemplify that which you
desire, and everything that is love and beauty. You always remain on course and
in balance, never losing your footing no matter how strong of a wave you are up
It has been my pleasure to BE with you in this way dear
sisters and brothers. Please go and enjoy your day and your experience of life.
And please do go and be the shining example of what you are here to manifest
and bring forward!
In Love..