Sooooo.... I was debating about whether or not to put any of my own posts here on this blog... I mean, the purpose was to be a voice for Michael... how is MY stuff even worthy of being here with his? As I am considering this, he asks me am I not a reflection of him as well? LOL indeed I am.. and then reminded me that if there is something up in the moment for me, then it is for others as well... that my experiences can help... Love that dude!
Ok, so whats been "up" for me in the moment are my priorities.. I was asked by one of my Teachers and brothers Indra, what my priorities were in the moment... so of course, it was 1. hit the lottery. and 2. Marry Halle Berry or Alicia Keyes. lol So maybe I wasn't THAT honest :) but basically I said money or means to support a happy and free lifestyle, and good relationships.. he asked me to come up with a mission statement for myself and let that be my first priority just for a week.. the next day I sat down, and asked for guidance and assistance in discovering this mission statement for myself... I wrote it out using my non-dominant hand, which corresponds with the side of the brain that is less of the ego and more of the spiritual:
My purpose here on this Earth, here in this life, here in this moment... Is to stand in my truth, is to stand FOR truth. To inspire and facilitate healing and awakening. My duty is to my brothers and sisters of humanity, to be a light, to be a guide. This is, and always has been, the mission of a Peaceful Warrior.
As I sat with that and allowed it to resonate... I could feel down to the cells in my body, that this was True for me... it is such a beautiful thing for one to know/feel his or her purpose... it gives me a true sense of direction, it gives me a higher perspective to observe from... one that is not based on anything that has happened in my life, and doesn't feel tainted with my ego perception... Amazing! What's even better, is that as this is settling in... I realize that if this is where I am choosing to place my belief... if this is TRUE for me, and really what I am here for... There is now vision to see all that I am NOT here for:
I am not here to be hurt. I am not here to be a failure. I am not here to suffer. I am not here to be in lack. I am not here to be poor. I am not here to be unnoticed. I am not here to be jealous. I am not here to be betrayed. I am not here to be guilty. I am not here to struggle. I am not here to be in fear. I AM NOT HERE TO BE STRESSED! I am not here to be lonely. I am not here to be a victim. I am not here to be discriminated. I am not here to be sad. I AM NOT HERE TO BE OVERWEIGHT. (really like that one) I am not here to hate. I am not here to be afraid. I am not here to be weak. I am not here to be ashamed. I am not here to be confused. I am not here to be abandoned. I am not here to be less than. I am not here to be powerless. I am not here to procrastinate or waste time. I am not here to be in servitude. I am not here to be a loser!
I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.. :) Now this doesn't mean that I'm gonna be skinny tomorrow, or that I'm never in my life gonna feel betrayed again... what it does mean, is that as I find myself in those moments... I can KNOW that I am not here for that, let it go, and choose again! The more TRUE is it for me, the easier it is to let go of the things I'm not.. its just another perspective to view life from, and certainly serves me better than the current perspective which has me blaming myself and others.. and feeling guilty all the time.. as our outside picture only reflects whats on the inside, the more this is practiced and understood... the more it is reflected in my family, in my friends.. in my work, in how I'm seen and treated... in my world!
And the beauty of Universality is that if this is true for me, then it is available for you as well.. What is currently "Up" in your life that is NOT what your here for? God created us to be happy... what can come from Love and not be happy? I would encourage you to discover your own mission statement, and take this journey for yourself... if, however, the mission statement above resonates with you... rings as Truth for you... then I would say consider the idea that you are a Warrior for Peace, just like me... and if it doesn't, perhaps you are a warrior for justice.. or freedom, or creation... maybe you are here to learn and explore... or maybe your just here to have fun and relax! lmao This is true you know.. we all have our paths...
Thank you for allowing me to share my path with you... it is not the most natural thing for me to do, I am especially private... it is your care-ful listening and open hearts that allows me the freedom and space to share myself in this way... Please feel free to share your journey with this as well! Love...
Many thanks for opening yourself to us. You are a very wise, loving person and Michael has chosen well!