Monday, September 6, 2010

Your Attention Please...

Our most Beloved friends, brothers and sisters... We greet you upon this day of memorial, and ask that as you remember the time and events that have transpired upon your planet and what is your country... that you would also reflect upon the journey that is Humanity. If you pay close attention, you will see that the Love in your hearts have transformed what we would call a lower and darker vibration of consciousness... into the vibrant and almost Golden age of consciousness in which we stand currently... Perhaps if you are looking only at the darker and lower vibration reflections, this would not be as readily accepted.. this is why I spoke of attention... If you are attending to the higher consciousness of You, then its reflections are all around... and indeed it is no surprise when we speak of the strides of Love and Compassion that have been made by Humanity...

As you have evolved and thirsted for, fought, and bleed for equality... for rights... you have been learning to Love yourselves, and more importantly, the different reflections of yourselves... and therefore re-membering that you are all reflections of one another... and this Love , this Re-member-ance of who You are, is what has shifted Humanity into a higher vibration of consciousness... as well, and indeed, if one is choosing to pay attention to what would be the lower or darker levels of consciousness... it is certainly there... and being Awakened to the true Love and Light that IT is in every moment, I must say... this is thanks to your prayers and attention being maintained to the highest good for all...

Dear ones, you see.... it is YOUR light, the Light of You that gives life and creation to whatever it is you are choosing to shine that Light upon... it is the Love of You, that allows your Earth to heal herself... it is the Compassion of You, that is ending hunger and disease... and so, with this... your attention becomes of great importance... to be children of God as we all are, is a great gift... to be in Co-creation with our Father in the way that Humanity is, is a most treasured expression of Love... for you have the gift of giving Life to your thoughts... and this, dear ones... is what we mean by Attention... Where are you choosing to spend your Attention?

As your world is most certainly a world of Duality, there will always be a choice my Beloved... a choice of where to place your Attention, your Breath of Life.... while each one has her or his own journey to travel, we would never interfere with, and will always honor, Your choice... what we would say on this, is to keep in mind that we are all reflections... and so, as you wish to see more Love, Compassion, Acceptance... Freedom, Kindness, and Abundance, for instance... out in your world, as you wish to see these qualities of Life reflected back to you... we would say dear ones, pay Attention to these qualities in yourselves... Before Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness can be seen in your world, you must first give these to YOURSELF! Which is to Attend to the Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness of Yourselves...

We do not mislead when we speak of your Power.... truly Powerful and Blessed You are... Paying Attention to your thoughts and their nature... is to truly memorialize Humanity and Your wonderful evolution... what a beautiful phenomenon it is that as You focus on, and give attention to, loving yourselves and having the lives that you want... that your entire World also receives this gift through your reflection... Truly Powerful and blessed You are...

In Love...

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