Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mis-belief no more...

As we are in the post 10-10-10 days, what will start to come up for many of you are old and no longer needed patterns or thoughts... limited and false beliefs about yourselves and your world... as more light reaches the planet and therefore your bodies, these things are given up to make space for what is to come... these things are enlightened and awakened to their true nature, which is light.. and no longer need to be hidden in the dark, in the shadow of you... and to this we say, ALLOW this process! it is indeed what is SO...

Just as you have been limited in your abilities as human beings, so have you been limited in your beliefs... these have served a purpose, they have served YOU dear ones... they have kept you safe in your humanity, for it was not the time for you to KNOW what you truly are... there were indeed further lessons of duality to be experienced... and this you have done beloved ones, painstakingly no doubt... you have learned the lessons of judgment, you have both judged and been judged... you have been IN fear and also Caused fear... you have hurt, and also been hurt... you have experienced and explored these illusions of duality to the furthest of extremes... and now it is time to know the truth...

The truth that you cannot be hurt, the truth that there is NO Fear... the truth that what you are cannot be diminished in any way... the truth that all there IS is Love.. the truth that all YOU are is Love... and with this truth comes new perception, and with new perception come new abilities... the ability to manifest, the ability to co-create your reality... You see dear ones, in Truth, you were not created to be in fear, to live in lack, to experience pain, to be hurt... you were created Perfect... it is only YOUR belief that you are Not perfect, that keeps you from the perfection that is yours... and again, this has served a purpose... and again once more, now is the time to know the Truth...

As these mis-beliefs about yourselves and your world are beginning to come up for you, just allow... although YOU may not be in conscious awareness of what is taking place, they are... and this is indeed why they are making their way to the surface if you will, this is why these things... some of which have not been "up" for you in years, are "up" and will be "up" for you... allow them their passage, for even as mis or false beliefs.. they know that their true place is in the light... and it is the light they seek...

So as you are turned down for the job or promotion that you are applying for, re-engaged in an old argument with a family member... or perhaps left broken hearted because the one you chose to love, does not choose to love you... it is not because you are too mean, or too nice, too poor, or too controlling, perhaps not beautiful enough, or smart enough... it is because those limiting beliefs need a way to come up... so again ALLOW them to come up in whatever way they come up for you, and Know that it is not about the physical manifestation that is before you... but what comes up INSIDE of you... this is what called the physical manifestation before you... be thankful dear ones, that this has happened so that these hidden beliefs can be Seen and Witnessed and allowed to move on... For where you are going, they are no longer needed...

While we understand that this is not the most pleasing things to hear, we hope that you understand we are only attempting to shed light upon what is the process... So that when these things come up, you are not caught up in the "story" of it all... and become stuck in these mis-beliefs for a moment longer... they have burdened you long enough, let them go... so that you can have new perception, and know your Greatness!

In Love...

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