Beloved ones.. once again we are graced to be in your presence, in your awareness... in your hearts... and it is without fear that we come to you.. which is to say, we speak to you from ALL that we know, ALL that we are... and as we begin where we left off, with this message on Fear.. are we clear in purpose, and without any illusion when we say to you: there is much more available to you than you are presently accessing, than you are even courageous enough to dream of.. Yes! you are indeed that powerful. That bountiful!
And what is it that keeps you from moving beyond your perceived limitations?? Who is it that tells you it is not possible? That you could never be this, or do that? It is your protector... Fear. Is fear not a protector of you? Does fear not keep you safe in its illusion of you? Indeed this is so... and so Fear is simply carrying out a purpose, doing the job that you have commissioned it to do...
I spoke on the previous message about where fear comes from, about the enlightened and un-enlightened aspects of You. It is not hard to perceive that fear must obviously come from that part of you which is NOT enlightened, which does not know what it is... and therefore with such limited perspective, fear and the ego can only operate within illusion... meaning that if the ego fully understood the capacity that You have, it would avail a whole universe of choices in which to present to you..
So if the ego and fear are not aware of who you Truly are, then what does the ego and fear think that you are? I speak of ego and fear as the same, because in terms of what they represent they indeed are one... but to speak more specifically, I would say that Fear is the language of the ego... it is the means of communication between ego and You... if you listen from your heart, this will be evident in your speaking and relationships... as an exercise, the next time you listen to someone speak... even yourself, although this is much harder... start to discern WHOM is speaking, the ego or the Self... again if you are listening from your heart, then this will be an easy task.. however, if you are listening from your own ego... from the part of you that is asleep and unenlightened, you will more than likely not tell the difference.. in fact, you will be reactive to whatever is being said.. as if it is an attack, or personally aimed at you.. ego's are always looking to blame and for blame... the ego has an innate sense of guilt, that needs to be projected outward so as not to become more guilty... because indeed, and even to the ego, guilt is an unbearable feeling..
And why does the ego feel guilty?? It is the answer to the question of who the ego thinks you are... The ego believes that you are ALONE, that you are separate, singular, individual... and therefore has to protect you at all costs... some of you may say, well I AM alone and individual.. there is no one exact to me in this entire Universe.. and to that I would say which YOU do you speak of? Indeed there is the physical expression of what you are.. the body that you have, with all its unique features... but is this YOU?? Is your body All that you are? Are your thoughts all that you are? Or do you believe you are more? I can tell you dear ones, you are so much more than the body or physical flesh that you enliven.. without the spark that YOU are, the body of and on its own has no life... and this is the reason for guilt upon the ego... for it believes that somehow you have been disconnected from Source... somehow you have been left here on this Earth all alone, with only this life to live... and what could you have done to cause this Hell? what did you to to be abandoned by the Source of you? and so the guilt begins... and so the punishment starts... life becomes all about who we can shift this blame to, and why we aren't worthy or deserve peace and happiness...
The good news my sisters and brothers, is that this is all illusion... moving from and through your heart, you will know that you have NEVER been forgotten.. and have NEVER been left alone... you are indeed connected to God, the Father, the Mother, Source... and CANNOT be disconnected... He would not be God if this were possible... So you see beloved ones... it is only an illusion, a dream... and it is time for you to AWAKEN, to who you truly are... so that humanity can release the weight of guilt that has encumbered it.. So that the next phase of humanity can begin, in TRUTH... in Unity... as humanity begins to awaken and accept that you are truly divine, then can you understand your place in this universe... this cannot be understood when you are divided and perceived alone...
And how does one start to awaken? Spend time everyday, connecting to that place within you that is unlimited... sit in your heart space as often as possible, as you do more and more of the unenlightened parts of you become enlightened... you begin to KNOW who you are, and realize that you are always connected and loved, and held in Gods heart... you will know that we are ALL of that same light... and therefore never individuals, but rather different expressions of the same LOVE that breathes us all... do this and witness the ego begin to release the story of guilt, there will be less of a need to blame... and more reason to Love everything, for that is what you ARE...
In closing on this subject, a heavy one indeed... come back and reread this as time goes on, it will speak to new parts of you every time... and do not simply take my word for it, but practice discerning whom is speaking the ego or the self... the awaken you, or the asleep you... witness this for yourself... notice the blame, and shame, and guilt that is present in your world... and tell yourself that you are not forgotten or alone, then feel what happens inside... your heart knows... and lastly we will say to you: Be Fear-Less in your experiences... indeed it is no coincidence that you are exactly where you are, this is exactly where you are supposed to be... so allow yourself to flourish! allow yourself to have what you desire... give yourself happiness and peace and love... do not allow the mis-perception of Fear to sour your experience of life... know that you are guided and held in love with every step you take.. every breath you breathe... go forth, and experience!
in Love..
Thank you for this article! Beautiful. I had recently begun singing in different voices in my car on the drive to work. At first, I didn't know who the voices were. As the voices developed, I realized it was my Spirit singing to my ego and vice versa. They are beginning to look at the voice of Fear together and it is a beautiful operetta!
ReplyDeleteSorry, I am just seeing this... how awesome!!! U Go purplgurl!! lol