Saturday, April 23, 2011

Love is The Key

What a beautiful day it is beloved ones... what a wonderful day to Love, to express the Love within you... this is the key to a happy and youthful experience of life! There is an expression: To be young at heart... indeed this is truly to be in Love... to allow the love that resides in you to be expressed and given to everything that you view and touch... to allow it to move THROUGH you.. this is your function sisters and brothers!

To be the vehicle for that which enlivens you... that which sustains you, that which created you... I am speaking of Love.. do you not believe that you are made from and of Love? Indeed you are, as we all are.. as that is All there IS is love... and if All does not look to be love dear ones, we would encourage you to look deeper, to find the love in All things... I can assure you it is there!

My message today is simple... look for, find, and See the love that is All and everywhere around you beautiful sisters and brothers... and KNOW that YOU are as well, that Love... as you acknowledge the love and beauty around you, do you acknowledge the love and beauty that IS you... and as you acknowledge the love and beauty that you are, does your world begin to reflect that same love back to you... this is the key to healing... the key to happiness... the key to being young at heart!

Enjoy your experience of this day my beloved's, and enjoy the love and beauty that you are...

In Love..

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Shift..

My beloved sisters and brothers, I/we are delighted to be in this moment with you... in this presence with you... for THIS is indeed all that we have!

I would like to take this opportunity to address the multitudes of shifting that is taking place at this time on your planet. Most likely you have heard in one way or another that this is all about the planetary alignment, which indeed it is beloved ones... it is also about a more personal shift or alignment, or perhaps re-alignment... All is One my friends... so as it is happening "out there" in the Universe, so is it happening here on your planet... here in your environment, here in your household, here in your experience... this is the function of synchronicity and interconnection... and what if there seems to be no movement or shifting for some of you at this time? We would say dear ones, look closer... indeed you will find that if your surroundings or circumstances are not shifting at all, that it is your thoughts and beliefs that are in re-alignment... and as every effect is begun with a cause, so will your surroundings and circumstances reflect your thoughts and beliefs..

We are here to tell you beloved ones that all is well, this has been spoken before... what we would expand upon in this moment dear ones, is how to assist this realignment... how to ease the shifting so that it does not disrupt your experience any more than is necessary... if we observe the Earth in her shifting, we can see that this can be a violent and disastrous event... beloved ones, this does not have to be so in your individual experiences... as well, the shift was written at the beginning of time.. and WILL take place... it is our intention that each and every one of you allows ease and grace to assist you, so that you may truly see and understand the beauty and divinity of what is taking place...

This is a time for Love and Compassion, these will assist you greatly in witnessing this process... the question you should be asking yourself for any situation at this time would be: Have I/Am I handling this with as much love and compassion as possible? Can I be more compassionate in this situation? Is my attention focused on ME, or how I love or show compassion to someone else? The shifting taking place serves as no danger whatsoever to love and compassion, however it quite threatening to the ego... for the energies that are being prepared for this planet are not the energies of selfishness, or self-serve-ism... they are the energies of Love and Compassion... So as you are exhibiting and practicing these very qualities in yourself, do you allow the shifting to occur with ease and grace... indeed you are helping the Earth and everything on it to be eased into this new Light as well...

To the contrary, as your are "stuck" in your egoic patterns and thoughts... as you are seemingly victimized by your environment and circumstances, do you prevent the ease of the beauty that is coming your way... as was mentioned earlier, this shift Will happen... and surely, just as we have witnessed on your planet, walls will crumble... and oceans will move... and your world as you know it, will be is disarray... again, sisters and brothers, it is our intention that this process be easy and graceful for you...

Your ego will tell you that this is all happening TO you, that you should be angry, fearful, you should fight to preserve what is yours and resist change at all cost... And to your ego, we would say dear ones: that this is happening FOR you... and the more Love and Compassion you can share at this time in your world, the easier and less volatile this process will be for you... the choice is yours..

Love yourself and those around you as you go out and into your world, and in your experience of life! And you will be welcoming with open arms and hearts what is in store for your world and planet... as always, we are with you..

In Love..
