What a beautiful day it is beloved ones... what a wonderful day to Love, to express the Love within you... this is the key to a happy and youthful experience of life! There is an expression: To be young at heart... indeed this is truly to be in Love... to allow the love that resides in you to be expressed and given to everything that you view and touch... to allow it to move THROUGH you.. this is your function sisters and brothers!
To be the vehicle for that which enlivens you... that which sustains you, that which created you... I am speaking of Love.. do you not believe that you are made from and of Love? Indeed you are, as we all are.. as that is All there IS is love... and if All does not look to be love dear ones, we would encourage you to look deeper, to find the love in All things... I can assure you it is there!
My message today is simple... look for, find, and See the love that is All and everywhere around you beautiful sisters and brothers... and KNOW that YOU are as well, that Love... as you acknowledge the love and beauty around you, do you acknowledge the love and beauty that IS you... and as you acknowledge the love and beauty that you are, does your world begin to reflect that same love back to you... this is the key to healing... the key to happiness... the key to being young at heart!
Enjoy your experience of this day my beloved's, and enjoy the love and beauty that you are...
In Love..
Love you!