Beloved sisters and brothers, it is with the utmost of Love and Compassion that we greet you upon this day!! There is so much happening within your consciousness at this time, the predictably of what is to come... what is your future, is unclear and without any form... there is a reason why the future of humanity is seemingly out of focus... it is because YOU are creating it right now!
As this is a time, now and over the next year or so... when what we "know" is being challenged, what has become the status quo is now becoming obsolete or inadequate... some areas of this will be left placid, while others will be in chaos until the next system of thinking.. or consciousness, is put in place... this may be reflected in your personal life, work.. family... relationships... this will also be reflected in your world, your financial systems... justice systems... governments... what is happening dear ones is a closing of a chapter so to speak, it is time for humanity to embrace a new consciousness... to create a new consciousness...
Up until now, you have been playing by a certain set of rules... these are the unspoken realities of life on Earth... although it may change depending on your demographics, the principles remain the same... it is survival of the fittest... the rules, my friends, were not set in place by God... but by those who have been in power and have captivated control of your world, so it is not a stretch of perception to realize that these "systems" were in place to keep those in power in power... this system has been allowed to run its course if you will, and its time is soon coming to a close... as this consciousness or body of thinking begins to crumble and dilapidate, you are left in a suspension space... a transitional state to be more exact...
This transitional state that you are in affords you a few options... you may continue to wait for another consciousness to come into place and align yourself with it, or you can CREATE what will be your new consciousness or way of thinking... the same forces that are causing and facilitating the old way of thinking to fall apart, are the same forces that will give life to a new way of thinking... this means that the same consciousness which says that people should not go hungry and that any government or system that is allowing this will no longer suffice, is the same consciousness that will say whatever the next system will be... this is done by creation... by those of you who are courageous enough and loving enough to think past the current system and create something new... Remember, humanity is a movement... what is thought of or done by ONE, effects the All...
So how does this look in your life? Simply put, BE the change you wish to see!! If the world needs more love, BE love... love yourself, love everyone you come in contact with... if the world needs more food for everyone or running water, do what you can to help... or create a way to help! As the old systems falls away, so does all the stories and karma that you have created with it... which means that all the things you think and have been taught about yourself, is no longer true...
Envision that it is a new world and you have just been born, right now in this moment... anything that says you are limited because you are 0f a certain gender, race, political affiliation, sexual orientation, social status, is not there... you are totally free to create who you are! What you stand for! To BE and to DO what your heart desires, without any preexisting ideas or stereotypes! Indeed the world then becomes your playground... this is what it was meant to be... just as you were meant to be in Creation... Let go of the old views and stories of yourself, and live your life as if YOU are the Creator!
Now, what will you do first??
In Love..
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