Once again, has beauty and grace blessed us with the opportunity to exist together in this way... in this space and in this time! As always, it is a pleasure and an honor to be with you... to be allowed in your hearts and minds... to be perceived by what is your awareness...
Dear sisters and brothers, it is not new news that we are in a shifting of sorts... at this time, here on Earth... indeed you may have witnessed the many of global events taking place in your world, the shifting of the Earth herself... causing what is climate and weather conditions to behave abnormally... the world, political, and economic changes that are coming forth... indeed even in your own life, is their not a shift occurring??
What will appear as different, or unique about the current shifting.. is that it seems to follow no rhyme or reason other than chaos and fear... there is an air of unpredictably about your world at this time.. what you have come to Know, is being challenged in many ways beloved ones... it is human tendency to correlate things, to make meaning of everything... your survival, it seems, is dependent upon this ability to correlate and predict what will come next... this is how you operate within the world of unknowns, you make or perceive it into some kind of sense for you.. So that you can plan, and go about your life...
Upon the current shifting, it will be more difficult to understand in that way... to make "sense" of... it may, to some of you, appear that the world is falling apart... or that things are turning for the worse... you may not be able to "see" where this is going.. where you are going.. and indeed, this can be disturbing... especially when your survival, as it seems, depends on being able to forecast or predict what will be... How does one remain at peace, when she cannot predict that she will have employment in the coming future? How does one stay in happiness, within the threat of his family's home being swept away or crumbled in disaster? Has God turned his back, or forgotten about you?
While the general consensus may lead you to believe that this is so... I am saying to you dear sisters and brothers, you have not been forgotten... you are well within God's sight.. and in fact, HIS eye is upon YOU in this moment! And as the general consensus would have you live in fear and chaos during these times, it is only to the general consensus that this will benefit... the powers that be on your planet, would have you worry and lose hope at this... they would have you blame and attack everyone who "seems" to be a participant in the current state of things... indeed it may be the wife who blames the husband for choosing the location of their home, which is being threatened by natural disaster... or perhaps it is the husband, or children, who are attacking the mother and wife for losing or not establishing the employment that is so necessary to the household...
This plays perfectly into the hands of the powers that be... it is a scared and frantic survival tactic of the lonely... of those who have previously chosen to be in their own "club" sort to speak... and now that even they cannot forecast or predict what will be, and are terrified of losing their very way of life, want to create unity in the only way that they know how... through fear and chaos...
And so we say to you brothers and sisters... be aware of where you choose to put your belief during these times! even in the midst of this seeming chaos, there is peace and hope... even in destruction, there is opportunity... even when you cannot see the way, the WAY is there... trust and have faith that the correct step will be placed beneath your feet... and if you are not aware of what Faith is, or are having difficulty finding yours... there has been a previous message, in this blog, which speaks to this... I can assure you that what stands just before you and out of view to you, is beautiful... is perfect... what it will take to persevere through this time, will be the Trust and Faith that you are held in the Heart of God... indeed, as if there is anywhere else...
Stay as close as possible to your dear friends, Gratitude and Forgiveness.... they will be of great value to you... for as long as you are thankful for everything that you are blessed with, the very breath you breathe.. the heart that beats... the eyes that see... the ears that hear... indeed there is much to be in appreciation for in every moment, is there not? and more importantly, there is no room for blame, attack, fear, or chaos, inside the wonderful space of Gratitude...
And Forgiveness... Forgiveness is but a recognition of God in another... it is the conscious choice of acknowledgement that this sister or brother has simply "forgotten" that they are OF God... and within that very recognition, do you realize Yourself as being OF God... There is a saying you have, "to forgive is Divine" you see... forgiveness has ALWAYS been the Way... and it is THIS recognition that will carry you through dear ones... for there will be many who will fall victim to the looming cloud of blame, attack, fear, and chaos... and for them, we offer our hearts... our love, and our strength... for indeed they are victims, to their own forgetfulness... and we ask, in the words of such a beautiful example of Gratitude and Forgiveness, Jesus Christ... “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
We Love you and are with you always...
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