Monday, December 10, 2012

Finding Comfort In Being Uncomfortable!! :)

What a pleasure it is to greet you at this time dear ones... Indeed it is quite a special time for Earth and humanity alike... And if you do not know this, we invite you dear ones to feel within yourself what is stirring within you... What is awakening within you... You will find that there is indeed a shifting taking place... It is within you as well as all around you.

 This present time, is a time of great importance and great strides for what is the evolution of humanity... It is a time of ascension... Which is to transcend, to move beyond what currently is and has been the parameters of what we will call perception... So that what is beyond these parameters may be perceived... And what is it that is just beyond your reach at this time? What is it that is just beyond your field of vision at this time? What is it that is outside of the box that houses your world?

It is your co-creation with God, with the Universe, with each other... It is the culmination of your desires and hearts passion made manifest... Yes, it is this. And so the question is, then, what is it that you truly desire? What is it that is your hearts passion.. Because of the current grip of control and fear in your lives, most of what you desire has to do with your survival... For many of you on the Earth at this time... what you desire could simply be stated as a life without struggle for some, and for others it would be a life with the basic necessities such as food and water, safe shelter... The desire to live and raise one's family in a community that is free of violence, that is free of crime... And so as the grip of fear and control is loosening and eventually deteriorating... Much of what you have been, and are presently desiring, will be no longer appropriate... If there is water and food and shelter for all... If everyone's belly is full and their backs are clothed... Children are free to play without the worry of fear, crime, and violence... If these basic necessities and human rights were commonplace on Earth, THEN, what would you desire?

 I present this perspective to you dear ones to illustrate how unaware and out of touch we are with what it is that we truly desire, that is beyond what is necessary for our survival... And so do we invite you to play with us in this conversation... If survival was not a concern for you, what would you do with your time? Where and whom would you spend it with? How would you serve upon this planet? This is the path to what you truly desire. It is a heart based conversation and not an ego-based one... And while it has been necessary to engage what is the ego, in this world and through these times in which you live... The heart is not necessarily equipped to navigate through a fear and control based environment, for it is free and joyous and indeed loving... while the ego is judging calculating and analytical.

 And so for a time it will seem uncomfortable to operate within the current system of things... What is happening is that Earth and humanity are evolving into a system that is conducive to what is heart based thought form and away from the ego and/or fear-based system... And so it will be uncomfortable because what you have been used to, is using the ego to navigate your world... and the ego is quite comfortable operating in fear... For fear is essentially the fuel for the ego, all of its patterns are designed to protect you from that which it perceives as a threat and so in that way it operates on fear... Whereas the heart would be seemingly vulnerable in a fear-based system, because it is non-judging it is all loving all accepting...

My messages to you beloved sisters and brothers at this time, is to embrace the uncomfortability... As the need for what is the ego's protection is beginning to shift, it creates what may be perceived as exposure and vulnerability... And so it will indeed feel uncomfortable... And dear ones this is your evolution, this is your gateway into what awaits you.. I am sharing these things with you, so that you are conscious and aware of what is taking place at this time... I say to you hold true and hold in vision what it is that you truly desire, and allow that to be your focus through the uncomfortability... As you hold this vision, and Earth makes the shift to a heart based system... what is truly your hearts passion, and what you truly desire from the heart, will now begin to actually pull you into it... And so in this way it will be much easier to manifest that which you desire, because it is fueled by that heart based thought system that is moving into place for humanity...

Indeed manifestation will be quite easy, as it's pull will be much stronger... And that is why I speak to you to begin now to focus and to understand what is truly your hearts passion if you are not worried or concerned with your basic survival... Create a vision for yourself and do not let it go, and as you will notice, soon it will begin to pull you in its direction... And this is what awaits you dear ones... I wish to make you aware of these things because indeed there are those who wish for you to stay in fear and control... as well the ego, whose primary purpose is to protect you, will perceive even this beautiful thing that is coming your way as a threat... because it is not something that can necessarily be understood or perceived by it... And so it does what it was made to do, persuade you not to move forward...

And so as a gauge of where you are within this transformation of humanity, you can feel the uncomfortably of where you are in any moment... If you are very comfortable perhaps you're well within the ego's parameters for your life... And if you are uncomfortable and even unreasonable in moving towards that which you desire, then you can know that you are on a new path... I am not asking beloved ones, for you to leave your employment or walk away from relationships, if you do not feel that it is your heart's desire to do so... However if you have been quietly longing for different employment or a new relationship... Or wishing to travel and visit a certain place... If you have been hearing the call to serve humanity in some way... Then be uncomfortable and move forward in that direction!

This world of fear... of lack... this world that tells you you do not deserve to have the things that you want... that you are not good enough... smart enough... wealthy enough... beautiful enough... to be that which you know you can be.... That is the world through the eyes of your ego, and so embrace the uncomfortability that lies just beyond its reach... Let your vision and your desires be your light dear ones... Indeed I am here with you and I walk with you through these times and on this path... and indeed do your Angel's and those beautiful beings who love you, accompany me as we are there in those uncomfortable times with you... You have never been alone dear ones... And you will never be... this is the promise I make to you... Call to us, and we will answer...

Enjoy your experience of this day dear ones, and do as well enjoy and love each other. Be Uncomfortable! And so it Is...


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