Sisters and brothers it is with great joy and excitement that we greet you upon this day! As many of you are well aware, the winds of change are amongst us. Indeed one can see change throughout its multitude of aspects in almost every facet of life as you know it. The door was opened in 2012, and humanity has been walking, stepping, moving, shifting into this new Era… this new time… it is a time of mass awakenings, it is a time for the exposure of secrets, it is the time of creation… and as sometimes destruction is an aspect to creation, we are also witnessing destruction on many levels.Most of humanity, and I would say this being the majority, have been in a slumber as to what is truly going on in your world… There has been a veil that has been laid over humanity to induce and maintain this slumber. Those who have been in power upon your planet and wishing to maintain control and manipulation of the human population and thus the planet, have constructed in intricate and elaborate web of lies, secrets, miss and dis-information that has been fed to humanity. The purpose of this web of lies and secrecy, like any other intent to deceive, is a means by which to gain some advantage over another... by way of omitting the truth, or by creating illusion or deception. This is what the" Veil” means…There was a time upon this planet when different groups and families of humanity lived in their certain parts of the planet… Mostly in the mountain regions high in the sky, the coastal areas near water and along many of the sacred locations on the planet. This is because the ancient’s understood what your Mother Earth really was, and so they lived in communion with her supporting her and consciously creating their lives with mother Earth. They understood and were in connection with the many technologies that are part of this Earth, many of which are considered advanced even in today's standards. These include healing alchemic, and even time travel technologies. They understood that these technologies, the fruit of mother Earth, belonged to ALL inhabitants of her… these are some of the teachings and understandings that were taught to/by the great messengers like Buddha and Jesus.And then there was a group of beings who have decided that they should be in control of these technologies, and so they set out to develop a plan of domination and control. The best way for them to maintain that control was to herd humanity into " cities" whereby they can better control what information was being told and shown to them… and so began the" Civilized" movement of humanity. The secret teachings from the ancients, were manipulated and replaced with much dis/mis information, and fed to humanity in the form of religions and cults.. as well as controlling the teachings of what is your history, the ancient texts and the information that is being passed down to prosperity, also the role of governance in society. And as we move in to more modern times, the control of what would be mass media, the scholastic curriculums, the sciences… these are all the tools that have been used to keep the veil over humanity…This is why we have spoken that the majority of humanity has been a slumber for quite some time, as to what is truly happening on this planet. So as we are breaking new ground, so to speak, in terms of the awakening of humanity… so must the destruction happen. You have been witnessing and watching this for the past few years… the leaking of documents and practices that have been heretofore nonexistent to the public eye, the exposure and implications of the”Elites" and their puppets throughout the financial markets, the media outlets, the military industrial complex, the governing body, politics, and all of the other facets of society. You have been beginning to see that the very system that has been in place to supposedly protect and serve you, is the very same system that is controlling and dominating you. So we honor these brave women and men who have been risking their lives and even giving their lives to expose these truths… To bring these things to the light… So that humanity at large can begin to awaken and take their power back.
We are here to let you know that you are not alone in this process, indeed what is your Galaxy and all of the heavens are supporting humanity at this time. In fact you have never been alone… we, your Angelic family, along with all of your star sisters and brothers, have always been with you... working behind the scenes for eons. We have been waiting for this time to assist humanity and Earth through this Acesnsion process. What we have been waiting for, was the exercising of humanities free will. The time when humanity Will stand up and say we do not want this anymore, it is time for a change… we Will no longer Live under control and manipulation, we demand our Sovereignty. We demand our Freedom. We demand to know the Truth. And as you look around, this is exactly what is happening in your world today.Even in your slumber, do you know in your heart of hearts… deep down within you… that you are and have always been, much more than you have been taught or told that you are. Somewhere inside of you, you know that you are much more powerful then the flesh and bones that make up your physical body. There is a place in you that knows it is of God, that it is connected to the very Universe and all that is Eternal. And so these are some of the truth’s that will be coming to the surface in this year of 2014.We are bringing these messages to you so that you can be prepared to walk through this transition with Grace and Ease. Those who are losing their grip of control on humanity, in their last efforts to maintain that grip and thwart humanities awakening… will/are employing their usual tactics of fear, chaos, and subterfuge, but it will not work this time. There is a new Horizon for humanity, and this cannot be stopped. The time for change has come!Practice calmness, kindness, forgiveness, gentleness, and love with one another and yourselves. There is much goodness coming your way soon, keep an open mind and heart. And remember, All is well.In Love,Michael
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
A Time For #Change
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