Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Have a Faith-full New Year!

Beloved sisters and brothers we greet you this day with Excitement and Joy at the new year! This year that is approaching is a very special year, a year when we will say that dreams will come true and that prayers will be answered… This year will mark the beginning of a new time for humanity… This will be a year that many will begin to remember who they truly are, this will be a year that many will begin to discern who it is they truly serve…

And so we say to you, this is the time to envision and ask for what it is that you want… This is the time to see past whatever your current circumstances are, and into the picture that you want to see for your life… sisters and brothers we ask you to paint this picture as vividly as you can with your imagination, with your heart and with your mind, and to hold on to that vision for this is the year that will see it through. Those who wish to control you would have you believe that this is a year to fear, that this will be the end of the world or some other twist of fate… To give up hope and faith that there's anyone out there who hears your prayers… They would wish for you to be in this state of mind, as it only serves what is their purpose for you… But what about YOUR purpose for your life? What about God's purpose for your life? What about all the things that you want to see from your life? Do you believe that it is too late? Do you believe that it is not possible?

We ask of you dear ones, to release those limiting beliefs… And to carry forward into this new year with you Hope, Faith, and a Vision for what it is that you want out of your life… I understand that this may be asking much of you in light of the present day climate, socially and economically… We understand that for many of you it is hard to see past your current situation, as many of you are without adequate finances, food, and perhaps even shelter… And that is why it is called Faith… Because it requires believing in something that one cannot see… Believing in something that one cannot logically comprehend… Because, you see dear ones, Faith taps into a place that is outside of our own understanding…

It is said that Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, and so indeed it will require even less Faith to change what are your current circumstances… Myself and all the other Angels and beings who love and care for you will happily hold that faith with you… You need only to call upon us for this purpose and we will help you to remember… We will help you to have Faith, for we can see what it is that you cannot… we can see past what is your current circumstances and situations into what is possible for you, and so allow us to help you and to serve you in this way.

We will end this note IN Love, and with open arms and hearts and much excitement and joy for the year to come. We have infinite faith in you and we can only hope that you will have faith for yourselves as we move forward. Enjoy and love each other and this beautiful experience that you call life. Happy new year!

In love…


Friday, November 18, 2011

Be True to YourSelf...

Dear sisters and brothers, we greet you in Love and we see you in Truth! This is to say, we know you as the beautiful individual expressions of God that you are... and do not believe in the weak, sinful, unhappy, unworthy, and unperfect expressions that you sometimes believe yourselves to be... you see, we hold the Truth for you.. and therefore you are always seen as, and known to be, perfect!

And so do we say to you, Know yourSelf! We do not mean by saying this, to know the self that your parents told you you were... or that your friends and family say that you are... this is not the self that a court or justice system has judged and labeled you as... not even the self that your religion has told you you were... nor is it the self that the community or society has said that you are...

Indeed your Self can only be found by You, for it is within You... and it is there, and only there, that you will find it... as the saying goes: To each, his own... and so it is impossible for any man to tell you who You are... it is a journey and a bond between You and God, and it is YOUR journey to take... indeed there are those who can guide you toward that journey of knowing your Self... there are many beautiful teachers, guru's, preachers, priests, healers.... many great books, religious texts and otherwise, to guide you toward that journey... this is their true purpose, indeed this is the only purpose there is... still, it is Your journey to take... and there is no "place" to go to take in this journey, except within... God lives in all of our Hearts... and that is where you must go to Know Him, thus that is where you must go to Know yourSelf... He sent to you a wonderful example of what it means to "Know thy Self", as the expression you know as Jesus Christ... and Jesus's message was simple, "Go Within"...

There are many forces in your world beloved ones, that will try to tell you who you are... and to this we say Beware. There are ulterior motives held by those who wish to control and dominate, and these motives would best be served with you believing that you are what they say, imply, or suggest that you are...

belief is the brush that expresses the picture called your Life, and your thoughts are the paint... God has given you this beautiful experience as your canvas... and so you see, it truly does matter, who you think or Believe yourself to be... Go Within... and Know thy Self..

and you will find, all the treasures of Heaven waiting for you!

I am You...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

All that You Are....

Beloved ones, upon this day... do we say to you, REMEMBER who you are... you are the mighty and bountiful children of God! You are the wonderful and marvelous creations of the Father of All-There-Is! You are the recipients of all of the Love and Blessings that shine down from the Heavens! You are Beautiful... You are Courageous... You are Powerful... and indeed, you are Perfect!

We bring forth this reminder, if you will, of all that you are during these times especially dear ones... for we can see as we witness you that this is a time of extreme forgetfulness... this is a time of unsurety... not only for what and who it is that you Are, but as well for what your purpose is in this experience... As many of the paradigms and belief structures that have been in place amongst Humanity for many of days, is withering and crumbling away... so does your sense of who and what you are begin to shift... so much of your perceived worth and value has been tied into these, now fading, belief structures... they have been the markers for what you would consider progress or success... the have been the measure by which you have judged not only others, but yourselves...

These belief structures, which are the "social norms" so to speak.. have been put in place dear ones to do exactly the opposite of what they claim... they claim to be what is a "Standard" or "Model" of what one would ascend to if she or he is to be accepted as "Good", or "Successful" by what is society's perception... but indeed these belief structures that you so desperately cling and hold on to accomplish nothing but "Judgement", "Separation", and "Fear"... and this my beloved sisters and brothers, is the True function of these social and political "norms"...

They have been put in place to keep you as far away from your True essence as possible... they have been put in place to keep you occupied with "the rat race of life" to the extent that you never question what life itself is even about... indeed as I speak this many of you are pondering that question, "what AM I here for?" and as well, many of you have asked this question at different times throughout your experience of Life... and as you have asked this question dear ones, what was your next action? Was it to listen and receive an answer? Was it to explore this more fully? Indeed there are those of you who have done both of these things, and indeed they have gotten their answer... but for the greater majority of Humanity however, this question is asked and before an answer can even begin to present itself to you... you are swept back into that black hole of judgement, separation, and fear... your purpose, if you will, is only a passing concern, and is not as important as obtaining that promotion at work... learning the latest gossip about another... or perhaps it is that new automobile that you must have... and how you must have it before any of your friends have it... or why someone else is better off than you... it goes on and on beautiful ones.. and again, Judgement, Separation, and Fear... this is what you have been giving your energy and attention to...

And as all that is done in the dark, will eventually come to Light... those beliefs structures and "norms" that have come to be woven into the consciousness of Humanity, are falling apart... they are indeed coming to the light, and many of you are beginning to see them for what they Truly are... a means to a Separation... it may disguise itself under the smokescreen of racial separation, political, social, or income class separation... which is being reflected not only in your own households and communities, but as well globally and within the economy and governments... indeed there are great "structures" falling apart this time...

If indeed, the function of these structures are a means to Separation... the question then becomes, as it applies to the individual, what am I being separated FROM? I will leave you, for now, with this... there is only one answer to this question...

In Love...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weathering the Storm...

Once again, has beauty and grace blessed us with the opportunity to exist together in this way... in this space and in this time! As always, it is a pleasure and an honor to be with you... to be allowed in your hearts and minds... to be perceived by what is your awareness...

Dear sisters and brothers, it is not new news that we are in a shifting of sorts... at this time, here on Earth... indeed you may have witnessed the many of global events taking place in your world, the shifting of the Earth herself... causing what is climate and weather conditions to behave abnormally... the world, political, and economic changes that are coming forth... indeed even in your own life, is their not a shift occurring??

What will appear as different, or unique about the current shifting.. is that it seems to follow no rhyme or reason other than chaos and fear... there is an air of unpredictably about your world at this time.. what you have come to Know, is being challenged in many ways beloved ones... it is human tendency to correlate things, to make meaning of everything... your survival, it seems, is dependent upon this ability to correlate and predict what will come next... this is how you operate within the world of unknowns, you make or perceive it into some kind of sense for you.. So that you can plan, and go about your life...

Upon the current shifting, it will be more difficult to understand in that way... to make "sense" of... it may, to some of you, appear that the world is falling apart... or that things are turning for the worse... you may not be able to "see" where this is going.. where you are going.. and indeed, this can be disturbing... especially when your survival, as it seems, depends on being able to forecast or predict what will be... How does one remain at peace, when she cannot predict that she will have employment in the coming future? How does one stay in happiness, within the threat of his family's home being swept away or crumbled in disaster? Has God turned his back, or forgotten about you?

While the general consensus may lead you to believe that this is so... I am saying to you dear sisters and brothers, you have not been forgotten... you are well within God's sight.. and in fact, HIS eye is upon YOU in this moment! And as the general consensus would have you live in fear and chaos during these times, it is only to the general consensus that this will benefit... the powers that be on your planet, would have you worry and lose hope at this... they would have you blame and attack everyone who "seems" to be a participant in the current state of things... indeed it may be the wife who blames the husband for choosing the location of their home, which is being threatened by natural disaster... or perhaps it is the husband, or children, who are attacking the mother and wife for losing or not establishing the employment that is so necessary to the household...

This plays perfectly into the hands of the powers that be... it is a scared and frantic survival tactic of the lonely... of those who have previously chosen to be in their own "club" sort to speak... and now that even they cannot forecast or predict what will be, and are terrified of losing their very way of life, want to create unity in the only way that they know how... through fear and chaos...

And so we say to you brothers and sisters... be aware of where you choose to put your belief during these times! even in the midst of this seeming chaos, there is peace and hope... even in destruction, there is opportunity... even when you cannot see the way, the WAY is there... trust and have faith that the correct step will be placed beneath your feet... and if you are not aware of what Faith is, or are having difficulty finding yours... there has been a previous message, in this blog, which speaks to this... I can assure you that what stands just before you and out of view to you, is beautiful... is perfect... what it will take to persevere through this time, will be the Trust and Faith that you are held in the Heart of God... indeed, as if there is anywhere else...

Stay as close as possible to your dear friends, Gratitude and Forgiveness.... they will be of great value to you... for as long as you are thankful for everything that you are blessed with, the very breath you breathe.. the heart that beats... the eyes that see... the ears that hear... indeed there is much to be in appreciation for in every moment, is there not? and more importantly, there is no room for blame, attack, fear, or chaos, inside the wonderful space of Gratitude...

And Forgiveness... Forgiveness is but a recognition of God in another... it is the conscious choice of acknowledgement that this sister or brother has simply "forgotten" that they are OF God... and within that very recognition, do you realize Yourself as being OF God... There is a saying you have, "to forgive is Divine" you see... forgiveness has ALWAYS been the Way... and it is THIS recognition that will carry you through dear ones... for there will be many who will fall victim to the looming cloud of blame, attack, fear, and chaos...
and for them, we offer our hearts... our love, and our strength... for indeed they are victims, to their own forgetfulness... and we ask, in the words of such a beautiful example of Gratitude and Forgiveness, Jesus Christ... “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

We Love you and are with you always...


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Who Matters??

Once again, it is my honor and pleasure to greet you upon this day dear sisters and brothers... and it is from that place of honor and love, that we say to you... YOU MATTER! For many of you this will simply pass through your awareness, as you are indeed busy with ups and downs of life... the mundane things that occupy your days, your world... the hustle and bustle of everyday living, as it is sometimes referred to... as you are in this whirlwind, and I describe it as this because there seems no rhyme or reason or pattern to the complexities of everyday life... you become so consumed with just making it through your day, finishing your workload... picking up the children, going shopping, attending to errands, that you quite often forget how much YOU matter...

Indeed we all understand that we matter to those who directly depend on us, and even this we can ignore at times, but do you know beloved ones... that you matter to everyone and everything that comes into your awareness, you matter in ways that you may not even be conscious of... you see, our Universe is so efficient in its operation that nothing... not even a moment, is wasted... every breath, every laugh, every tear, every smile has purpose... we are all extensions of that which created us, which means that that which created us... also lives within, and moves through us... Indeed what is God, the Father, Source, whatever name you choose to describe our Creator, has an unlimited and ever-growing lists of to-do's just like you... so how does He seem to be in all places, at all times? How does HE make the seasons change every year without fail? Bring the Sun and Moon up everyday like clockwork? Make the flowers bloom, and the rain fall? How is HE able to listen to and answer your prayers, and still maintain everything else that is done on your planet and throughout the Cosmos?

Dear ones, it is because HE has extensions of Himself... As the extension of HIM called the sky, produces moisture in the clouds... does the rain fall upon the Earth, who is also an extension of HIM, the earth then feeds the flowers and trees who are therefore extensions of HIM... which then feeds the animals and humans upon the planet, who of course are extensions of HIM as well... this is how the Universe works... synchronicity, union, all things work within ONE system... so what does this mean for you? that YOU Matter!

You may not know that the young boy you just said hello to, was praying that he would commit suicide if another person ignored him... You may not be aware that the lady who seems to be talking your ears off in line at the supermarket, had just prayed that someone would listen to her... you have no idea that as you are baking a cake or buying a gift for a good friend of yours, that he or she is having one of the worst days ever... and indeed, how could you know? You cannot be in all places at all times to know such things... but HE who created you and moves through you does... and it is HE that gently and lovingly places the thought in your awareness to say hello to that worried young man, or to strike up a conversation with the lonely lady at the market, or to do something random and kind for that friend of yours...

It is HE, who has placed it in my heart to deliver this very message to you... that is why I began this post with " Once again, it is my honor and pleasure to greet you upon this day"... I know that I am HIS extension, and I lovingly do his work...

So as you are caught up in the rampant race of life... please remember beautiful sisters and brothers, that you indeed matter... whether you can perceive it or not, your Father uses you everyday, in every moment... lend yourself to His Love, and witness the Beauty and Grace that will inform your experience of Life!

In Love...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Out with the Old, in with the New!

Beloved sisters and brothers, it is with the utmost of Love and Compassion that we greet you upon this day!! There is so much happening within your consciousness at this time, the predictably of what is to come... what is your future, is unclear and without any form... there is a reason why the future of humanity is seemingly out of focus... it is because YOU are creating it right now!

As this is a time, now and over the next year or so... when what we "know" is being challenged, what has become the status quo is now becoming obsolete or inadequate... some areas of this will be left placid, while others will be in chaos until the next system of thinking.. or consciousness, is put in place... this may be reflected in your personal life, work.. family... relationships... this will also be reflected in your world, your financial systems... justice systems... governments... what is happening dear ones is a closing of a chapter so to speak, it is time for humanity to embrace a new consciousness... to create a new consciousness...

Up until now, you have been playing by a certain set of rules... these are the unspoken realities of life on Earth... although it may change depending on your demographics, the principles remain the same... it is survival of the fittest... the rules, my friends, were not set in place by God... but by those who have been in power and have captivated control of your world, so it is not a stretch of perception to realize that these "systems" were in place to keep those in power in power... this system has been allowed to run its course if you will, and its time is soon coming to a close... as this consciousness or body of thinking begins to crumble and dilapidate, you are left in a suspension space... a transitional state to be more exact...

This transitional state that you are in affords you a few options... you may continue to wait for another consciousness to come into place and align yourself with it, or you can CREATE what will be your new consciousness or way of thinking... the same forces that are causing and facilitating the old way of thinking to fall apart, are the same forces that will give life to a new way of thinking... this means that the same consciousness which says that people should not go hungry and that any government or system that is allowing this will no longer suffice, is the same consciousness that will say whatever the next system will be... this is done by creation... by those of you who are courageous enough and loving enough to think past the current system and create something new... Remember, humanity is a movement... what is thought of or done by ONE, effects the All...

So how does this look in your life? Simply put, BE the change you wish to see!! If the world needs more love, BE love... love yourself, love everyone you come in contact with... if the world needs more food for everyone or running water, do what you can to help... or create a way to help! As the old systems falls away, so does all the stories and karma that you have created with it...
which means that all the things you think and have been taught about yourself, is no longer true...

Envision that it is a new world and you have just been born, right now in this moment... anything that says you are limited because you are 0f a certain gender, race, political affiliation, sexual orientation, social status, is not there... you are totally free to create who you are! What you stand for! To BE and to DO what your heart desires, without any preexisting ideas or stereotypes! Indeed the world then becomes your playground... this is what it was meant to be... just as you were meant to be in Creation... Let go of the old views and stories of yourself, and live your life as if YOU are the Creator!

Now, what will you do first??

In Love..

Friday, July 1, 2011

Free Like The Wind!

Beloved sisters and brothers, we greet you in this great time with Love and Grace... there is much happening upon your planet at this time, as I am sure most of you are aware of this to some degree... it seems as though the winds are in confusion, as they are blowing in so many different directions at once.. or perhaps no direction at all... it can be hard to stay planted on the course you are on, especially if the wind is blowing against you... as well, it may be difficult to see which drift you should follow or allow yourself to be swept into..Our suggestion to this, is to allow the drift that has CHOSEN you to whisk you away...

And how do you know which wind has chosen you?? Indeed it will be the strongest and most persistent wind... For those of you who are already within the draft of the wind that has chosen you, you are likely seeing miracles in your life.. things are coming together, if you will... there is light beginning to emerge along the landscape, and the knowing that you are in the right place is strong in your heart... and to you we say, let Go! Allow yourself to be swept away... there is only beauty awaiting you!

For those of you who are in the crosswinds at this time, indeed it is a struggle to simply stay in place... to stand your ground as you decide which wind to follow... you can feel that there is a wind pulling at you, but you are unsure as to if it is yours or not..
. and to you we say, let Go! Allow yourself to be swept away... there is only beauty awaiting you! The indecision represents a holding onto the past, the reluctantcy to change... what if this wind is not as smooth as the one I have been on? or what if this wind takes me where I don't belong? Indeed these are valid concerns beloved ones... and to this I would ask, how happy are you with the current you are in presently? Your prayers have been heard, your suffering has been noticed... and your Father has sent a Wind to pick you up and take you to a better place... do you believe the Winds are blowing by chance? that they are not directed? Dear ones there is nothing upon your planet that happens by chance... in fact all things work within a system of infinite wisdom and love! So it is no coincidence that your wind is pulling at you... Go with it!

And lastly, for those of you who are seemingly not in any current at all... you have been feeling like there is no wind blowing in any direction for you, it seems as though everything is quiet and perhaps even frustrating... beloved sisters and brothers, we encourage you to keep walking... your wind is JUST around the corner... stay in movement, be in action... remember like attracts like... so as you move forward KNOW that your wind is coming... give up your stories, and believe that what you want is coming your way... I can assure you it is! Your faith and belief that good is coming to you, will call your wind towards you.. and when it arrives,
let Go! Allow yourself to be swept away... there is only beauty awaiting you!

Please go out and enjoy yourselves and your experience of Life dear ones, We Love you and are with you..

In Love..

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Be the Acorn!

There is possibility in chaos, there is possibility in calm... in silence, in seemingly non -movement, there is possibility... life itself, is possibility in form... Very simply, Possibility IS everywhere! We greet you brother's and sister's, upon this day, with a question: What is possible?

What is possible in your life? In your relationships? In your work? In your play? In your body? As the tiny acorn believes that it is possible to become A Great Oak tree, so does it become a great oak tree... you might say, the acorn does not have a choice in its evolution... and I would say to this, nothing exists without purpose.. even the acorn... indeed as you believe in possibility dear sisters and brothers, so does possibility become so... unlike you, the tiny acorn does not have a logical mind with which to reason away its possibility... for if this was so, the acorn would indeed now think that its was surely too small to become a great oak, or perhaps not as strong as the acorn that just fell beside it... its color not rich enough, its smell not distinct enough to ever become a great oak tree... and, as well.. this would be so...

My point beloved ones, is that possibility is just beyond your fingertips... just beyond the next words spoken from your lips... the next thought or picture in your mind... the Universe- and we would say this is the hand or arm of God- awaits your commands of creation... the how, and when, is her function... she is ready to see your possibilities, your creations, into manifestation... you see beloved ones, it is her very clear purpose to be the vehicle for your creations... the fertile ground in which your possibilities and creations are brought to life! And in this, she is unbiased... unwavering... so if you are believing and therefore creating that you are too small, or not as strong as the next person, or not enough... indeed this will come to be So...

We say to you dear ones, believe in possibility... be as blind or as clear and focused as the little acorn in what you want, what you think, what you believe... indeed this is what you are creating! The parameters of possibility are expanding dear ones... the reality that this cannot be so, or that that will never happen, are fading away... and in its space, the impossible is becoming possible... look around and see that this is already so... If you continue to create limitation, limitation is what you shall receive... Believe that you will become the Great Oak, and you shall!!

In Loving Possibility...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Love is The Key

What a beautiful day it is beloved ones... what a wonderful day to Love, to express the Love within you... this is the key to a happy and youthful experience of life! There is an expression: To be young at heart... indeed this is truly to be in Love... to allow the love that resides in you to be expressed and given to everything that you view and touch... to allow it to move THROUGH you.. this is your function sisters and brothers!

To be the vehicle for that which enlivens you... that which sustains you, that which created you... I am speaking of Love.. do you not believe that you are made from and of Love? Indeed you are, as we all are.. as that is All there IS is love... and if All does not look to be love dear ones, we would encourage you to look deeper, to find the love in All things... I can assure you it is there!

My message today is simple... look for, find, and See the love that is All and everywhere around you beautiful sisters and brothers... and KNOW that YOU are as well, that Love... as you acknowledge the love and beauty around you, do you acknowledge the love and beauty that IS you... and as you acknowledge the love and beauty that you are, does your world begin to reflect that same love back to you... this is the key to healing... the key to happiness... the key to being young at heart!

Enjoy your experience of this day my beloved's, and enjoy the love and beauty that you are...

In Love..

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Shift..

My beloved sisters and brothers, I/we are delighted to be in this moment with you... in this presence with you... for THIS is indeed all that we have!

I would like to take this opportunity to address the multitudes of shifting that is taking place at this time on your planet. Most likely you have heard in one way or another that this is all about the planetary alignment, which indeed it is beloved ones... it is also about a more personal shift or alignment, or perhaps re-alignment... All is One my friends... so as it is happening "out there" in the Universe, so is it happening here on your planet... here in your environment, here in your household, here in your experience... this is the function of synchronicity and interconnection... and what if there seems to be no movement or shifting for some of you at this time? We would say dear ones, look closer... indeed you will find that if your surroundings or circumstances are not shifting at all, that it is your thoughts and beliefs that are in re-alignment... and as every effect is begun with a cause, so will your surroundings and circumstances reflect your thoughts and beliefs..

We are here to tell you beloved ones that all is well, this has been spoken before... what we would expand upon in this moment dear ones, is how to assist this realignment... how to ease the shifting so that it does not disrupt your experience any more than is necessary... if we observe the Earth in her shifting, we can see that this can be a violent and disastrous event... beloved ones, this does not have to be so in your individual experiences... as well, the shift was written at the beginning of time.. and WILL take place... it is our intention that each and every one of you allows ease and grace to assist you, so that you may truly see and understand the beauty and divinity of what is taking place...

This is a time for Love and Compassion, these will assist you greatly in witnessing this process... the question you should be asking yourself for any situation at this time would be: Have I/Am I handling this with as much love and compassion as possible? Can I be more compassionate in this situation? Is my attention focused on ME, or how I love or show compassion to someone else? The shifting taking place serves as no danger whatsoever to love and compassion, however it quite threatening to the ego... for the energies that are being prepared for this planet are not the energies of selfishness, or self-serve-ism... they are the energies of Love and Compassion... So as you are exhibiting and practicing these very qualities in yourself, do you allow the shifting to occur with ease and grace... indeed you are helping the Earth and everything on it to be eased into this new Light as well...

To the contrary, as your are "stuck" in your egoic patterns and thoughts... as you are seemingly victimized by your environment and circumstances, do you prevent the ease of the beauty that is coming your way... as was mentioned earlier, this shift Will happen... and surely, just as we have witnessed on your planet, walls will crumble... and oceans will move... and your world as you know it, will be is disarray... again, sisters and brothers, it is our intention that this process be easy and graceful for you...

Your ego will tell you that this is all happening TO you, that you should be angry, fearful, you should fight to preserve what is yours and resist change at all cost... And to your ego, we would say dear ones: that this is happening FOR you... and the more Love and Compassion you can share at this time in your world, the easier and less volatile this process will be for you... the choice is yours..

Love yourself and those around you as you go out and into your world, and in your experience of life! And you will be welcoming with open arms and hearts what is in store for your world and planet... as always, we are with you..

In Love..


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All Is Well

Most Beloved friends, what a pleasure it is to greet you on this lovely day!! During this wonderful time! Indeed you may say, this time does not seem so wonderful... there is tragedy and disaster in parts of your world at this time, there is struggle and poverty... unemployment, no health care... there are many issues that seemingly plague your world at this time.. and still I say, what a wonderful time this is sisters and brothers! The divine plan is unfolding just as it is supposed to...

Tragedy and disaster calls to our inner being, calls for love... calls for service.. many of you have not prayed until there was a "need" for prayer, have not been thankful for what you have until it is measured against tragedy... indeed disaster serves a purpose... and what is struggle or poverty? It is the Universes way of slowing you down, of causing you to look at something, before moving on... most likely it is right before you.. find it dear ones, and end your struggles.. unemployment as I view it, is a matter of alignment... as your world is changing, it is time to re-align yourselves... there is an opportunity for you to align with what truly serves you, a course correction if you will.. this is a magnificent thing...

All is well in the Universe dear ones, Trust and Faith are required for Peace... for if one was to simply look upon the world and its affairs, or even ones own particular circumstances... without the benefit of Faith and Trust that all is well, that All IS as it should be... one will very easily be disturbed and distracted... perhaps even disheartened and angry... these emotions come up as we allow our perceptions to run a muck as they choose... for they are only emotions, they simply feed off stimuli and react... just as they are supposed to, indeed your emotions even have Faith and Trust... as they do not question or reason, they trust that you are seeking a particular reaction based on your thoughts... and so, you are angry.. and hurt...

And when there is Faith and Trust that you are not forgotten beautiful ones, that indeed Heaven is looking upon you in EVERY moment and therefore NOTHING is out of place... then all is well within you... then your emotion reacts with joy.. with a sense of security... with love.. and Peace... this is what being aligned with your higher Self is all about... Trust and Faith.

Sisters and Brothers, there is so much that is just out of your view... past your perception... if all were within your view, then what would there be to learn? And indeed life is about learning... learning to Trust and have Faith... that is all dear ones! Trust that your steps are guided, that there is no coincidence you are taking the very step you are taking right at this moment... and Faith that even though you cant see ahead, the way is being prepared for you... if you only knew beloved ones, how the Heavens conspire to serve you... you would never be without Trust or Faith... for it is truly a miraculous thing, to see how much love and time is devoted to YOU... ahhh, but again.. if this were so, what would there be to learn?

Trust in yourself, and have Faith that all is well...

In love, Michael

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Be Fearless!

Beloved ones.. once again we are graced to be in your presence, in your awareness... in your hearts... and it is without fear that we come to you.. which is to say, we speak to you from ALL that we know, ALL that we are... and as we begin where we left off, with this message on Fear.. are we clear in purpose, and without any illusion when we say to you: there is much more available to you than you are presently accessing, than you are even courageous enough to dream of.. Yes! you are indeed that powerful. That bountiful!

And what is it that keeps you from moving beyond your perceived limitations?? Who is it that tells you it is not possible? That you could never be this, or do that? It is your protector... Fear. Is fear not a protector of you? Does fear not keep you safe in its illusion of you? Indeed this is so... and so Fear is simply carrying out a purpose, doing the job that you have commissioned it to do...

I spoke on the previous message about where fear comes from, about the enlightened and un-enlightened aspects of You. It is not hard to perceive that fear must obviously come from that part of you which is NOT enlightened, which does not know what it is... and therefore with such limited perspective, fear and the ego can only operate within illusion... meaning that if the ego fully understood the capacity that You have, it would avail a whole universe of choices in which to present to you..

So if the ego and fear are not aware of who you Truly are, then what does the ego and fear think that you are? I speak of ego and fear as the same, because in terms of what they represent they indeed are one... but to speak more specifically, I would say that Fear is the language of the ego... it is the means of communication between ego and You... if you listen from your heart, this will be evident in your speaking and relationships... as an exercise, the next time you listen to someone speak... even yourself, although this is much harder... start to discern WHOM is speaking, the ego or the Self... again if you are listening from your heart, then this will be an easy task.. however, if you are listening from your own ego... from the part of you that is asleep and unenlightened, you will more than likely not tell the difference.. in fact, you will be reactive to whatever is being said.. as if it is an attack, or personally aimed at you.. ego's are always looking to blame and for blame... the ego has an innate sense of guilt, that needs to be projected outward so as not to become more guilty... because indeed, and even to the ego, guilt is an unbearable feeling..

And why does the ego feel guilty?? It is the answer to the question of who the ego thinks you are... The ego believes that you are ALONE, that you are separate, singular, individual... and therefore has to protect you at all costs... some of you may say, well I AM alone and individual.. there is no one exact to me in this entire Universe.. and to that I would say which YOU do you speak of? Indeed there is the physical expression of what you are.. the body that you have, with all its unique features... but is this YOU?? Is your body All that you are? Are your thoughts all that you are? Or do you believe you are more? I can tell you dear ones, you are so much more than the body or physical flesh that you enliven.. without the spark that YOU are, the body of and on its own has no life... and this is the reason for guilt upon the ego... for it believes that somehow you have been disconnected from Source... somehow you have been left here on this Earth all alone, with only this life to live... and what could you have done to cause this Hell? what did you to to be abandoned by the Source of you? and so the guilt begins... and so the punishment starts... life becomes all about who we can shift this blame to, and why we aren't worthy or deserve peace and happiness...

The good news my sisters and brothers, is that this is all illusion... moving from and through your heart, you will know that you have NEVER been forgotten.. and have NEVER been left alone... you are indeed connected to God, the Father, the Mother, Source... and CANNOT be disconnected... He would not be God if this were possible... So you see beloved ones... it is only an illusion, a dream... and it is time for you to AWAKEN, to who you truly are... so that humanity can release the weight of guilt that has encumbered it.. So that the next phase of humanity can begin, in TRUTH... in Unity... as humanity begins to awaken and accept that you are truly divine, then can you understand your place in this universe... this cannot be understood when you are divided and perceived alone...

And how does one start to awaken? Spend time everyday, connecting to that place within you that is unlimited... sit in your heart space as often as possible, as you do more and more of the unenlightened parts of you become enlightened... you begin to KNOW who you are, and realize that you are always connected and loved, and held in Gods heart... you will know that we are ALL of that same light... and therefore never individuals, but rather different expressions of the same LOVE that breathes us all... do this and witness the ego begin to release the story of guilt, there will be less of a need to blame... and more reason to Love everything, for that is what you ARE...

In closing on this subject, a heavy one indeed... come back and reread this as time goes on, it will speak to new parts of you every time... and do not simply take my word for it, but practice discerning whom is speaking the ego or the self... the awaken you, or the asleep you... witness this for yourself... notice the blame, and shame, and guilt that is present in your world... and tell yourself that you are not forgotten or alone, then feel what happens inside... your heart knows... and lastly we will say to you: Be Fear-Less in your experiences... indeed it is no coincidence that you are exactly where you are, this is exactly where you are supposed to be... so allow yourself to flourish! allow yourself to have what you desire... give yourself happiness and peace and love... do not allow the mis-perception of Fear to sour your experience of life... know that you are guided and held in love with every step you take.. every breath you breathe... go forth, and experience!

in Love..

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fear Exposed!

It is a beautiful day, is it not beloved ones? Indeed every day is beautiful... although it is not always seen as this... and what can cloud the perception of beauty? it is what I will speak about upon this day, fear.. Indeed even the word itself carries a vibration doesn't it? It strikes a cord within us simply to hear the word FEAR... I have heard it said that the definition of fear is: False Evidence Appearing Real and I would say that this is certainly an enlightened way to look upon fear... as the illusion that it is..

Your world is based in duality, polar opposites... as there is Love there must be Fear... as there is right, there must be wrong... as there is good, there must be bad... this has been the core principle of your experience of Life... In fact, this is the core principle of YOU... You see, in order for the brilliant Light that you are... the Wonderful Vibration that IS you... to be Human, you must be surrounded by flesh... you must have a body... the body is heavy, dense... it does not vibrate at the speed and frequencies of the Light that you are... and therefore, you are Earth bound within it... here to experience the gift and phenomenon called Life!

As this process is started, and in order to accommodate a body... your vibration slows down, the Light of you is minimized and hidden deep within your consciousness, you then begin to forget what you are and EMBODY this human frame... becoming both ENLIGHTENED and UNENLIGHTENED... Welcome to the experience of duality... and what a beautiful experience it is dear ones! for it delivers to you.. CHOICE.

In reality, there is no such thing as duality.. we are all truly one light, one vibration, one heart, one breath... the unique experience that Life on Earth brings, is that embodiment of both enlightenment and unenlightenment... both love and fear... good and bad... the game of life dear ones, is to awaken to who you truly are WITHIN this experience... that is, to CHOOSE enlightenment... to choose Love.. to choose happiness... joy.. peace.. as we choose these qualities of Life, we are RE-MEMBERING who we truly are... as well, when we choose hate, fear, jealousy, suffering... we are further deepening our forgetfulness...

Because we are so loved by our Father, you are not left to fend for yourself in forgetfulness.. HE has equipped the human body with a computer, if you will... that does all the mundane tasks required for everyday life, it beats your heart... regenerates your cells, functions your organs... it also remembers your choices and presents them back to you as default actions, you would call them habits... Fear is ALWAYS based in the past, made up of choices you've made about something you've seen, heard, or experienced before, never in the present... what happens as the more one chooses the unenlightened aspects of life like fear, and self doubt, hate, victimization... one becomes so much asleep in unenlightenment, in form, in density, that the body's computer takes over... much like an auto pilot will take over in the absence of the pilot... and this becomes your life, always getting the same results.. falling into the same traps... always being a victim, always being hurt... again, because you are so loved there will be things and people that come along to wake you up, to INSPIRE you to choose differently... these are no coincidences, your Father wants so badly for you to be a winner of this game, to enjoy this experience called life...

And should you be inspired, and choose from enlightenment, which is to choose from Love... there is a whole new world presented you! Different results happen, things seem to just fall in place... life becomes a beautiful experience... you are loving yourself, and everything around you as that reflection of yourself... you are PRESENT, for that is where Loves lives... you follow that Light in your Heart and let it guide you... let it heal you! Let it Awaken you! I can promise you beloved sisters and brothers, there can truly be Heaven on Earth...

So as you go about your day and in your relationships... remember that there are really only TWO choices to ever make: LOVE which is always in the Present, felt in our hearts, and always open to the beauty and Light that we truly are.. Or FEAR: which is really only Love forgotten and asleep, remembering itself as past choices and habits...

To Lighten up this topic, which I will agree is a heavy one... I will close by reminding you that this is indeed the Game of Life, so have fun with it... it does not have to be so serious! At the end of the day, we are all held in Love... Go and Be Inspired!
