Dear sisters and brothers, we greet you in Love and we see you in Truth! This is to say, we know you as the beautiful individual expressions of God that you are... and do not believe in the weak, sinful, unhappy, unworthy, and unperfect expressions that you sometimes believe yourselves to be... you see, we hold the Truth for you.. and therefore you are always seen as, and known to be, perfect!
And so do we say to you, Know yourSelf! We do not mean by saying this, to know the self that your parents told you you were... or that your friends and family say that you are... this is not the self that a court or justice system has judged and labeled you as... not even the self that your religion has told you you were... nor is it the self that the community or society has said that you are...
Indeed your Self can only be found by You, for it is within You... and it is there, and only there, that you will find it... as the saying goes: To each, his own... and so it is impossible for any man to tell you who You are... it is a journey and a bond between You and God, and it is YOUR journey to take... indeed there are those who can guide you toward that journey of knowing your Self... there are many beautiful teachers, guru's, preachers, priests, healers.... many great books, religious texts and otherwise, to guide you toward that journey... this is their true purpose, indeed this is the only purpose there is... still, it is Your journey to take... and there is no "place" to go to take in this journey, except within... God lives in all of our Hearts... and that is where you must go to Know Him, thus that is where you must go to Know yourSelf... He sent to you a wonderful example of what it means to "Know thy Self", as the expression you know as Jesus Christ... and Jesus's message was simple, "Go Within"...
There are many forces in your world beloved ones, that will try to tell you who you are... and to this we say Beware. There are ulterior motives held by those who wish to control and dominate, and these motives would best be served with you believing that you are what they say, imply, or suggest that you are...
Your belief is the brush that expresses the picture called your Life, and your thoughts are the paint... God has given you this beautiful experience as your canvas... and so you see, it truly does matter, who you think or Believe yourself to be... Go Within... and Know thy Self..
and you will find, all the treasures of Heaven waiting for you!
I am You...
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