Beloved sisters and brothers we greet you this day with Excitement and Joy at the new year! This year that is approaching is a very special year, a year when we will say that dreams will come true and that prayers will be answered… This year will mark the beginning of a new time for humanity… This will be a year that many will begin to remember who they truly are, this will be a year that many will begin to discern who it is they truly serve…
And so we say to you, this is the time to envision and ask for what it is that you want… This is the time to see past whatever your current circumstances are, and into the picture that you want to see for your life… sisters and brothers we ask you to paint this picture as vividly as you can with your imagination, with your heart and with your mind, and to hold on to that vision for this is the year that will see it through. Those who wish to control you would have you believe that this is a year to fear, that this will be the end of the world or some other twist of fate… To give up hope and faith that there's anyone out there who hears your prayers… They would wish for you to be in this state of mind, as it only serves what is their purpose for you… But what about YOUR purpose for your life? What about God's purpose for your life? What about all the things that you want to see from your life? Do you believe that it is too late? Do you believe that it is not possible?
We ask of you dear ones, to release those limiting beliefs… And to carry forward into this new year with you Hope, Faith, and a Vision for what it is that you want out of your life… I understand that this may be asking much of you in light of the present day climate, socially and economically… We understand that for many of you it is hard to see past your current situation, as many of you are without adequate finances, food, and perhaps even shelter… And that is why it is called Faith… Because it requires believing in something that one cannot see… Believing in something that one cannot logically comprehend… Because, you see dear ones, Faith taps into a place that is outside of our own understanding…
It is said that Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, and so indeed it will require even less Faith to change what are your current circumstances… Myself and all the other Angels and beings who love and care for you will happily hold that faith with you… You need only to call upon us for this purpose and we will help you to remember… We will help you to have Faith, for we can see what it is that you cannot… we can see past what is your current circumstances and situations into what is possible for you, and so allow us to help you and to serve you in this way.
We will end this note IN Love, and with open arms and hearts and much excitement and joy for the year to come. We have infinite faith in you and we can only hope that you will have faith for yourselves as we move forward. Enjoy and love each other and this beautiful experience that you call life. Happy new year!
In love…
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