It is with great pleasure that we greet you upon this day Dear ones... and it is with great excitement and possibility that we share in this moment with you! As we are in, and moving closer to, what will be the end of a cycle for humanity... does time seem to move ever faster and faster... And indeed Is time moving faster and faster… In a sense it is what you call anticipation… It is the inner knowing that something is coming... That there is a finish line or goal that is just beyond your grasp and it's draw is in essence pulling you toward it...
This may bring up many different emotions and feelings for you… For some it is a curiosity, the sense that there is something awaiting and the unknowingness of what it is... for others, it is the lifeline that they have been waiting for, it is the relief that is much overdue… And still for others it represents Hope, it represents something that is new, and something that is different… And so you see no matter what it represents to us, or the emotions or feelings that we have about what is to come... We are all in some way anticipating this, and it is that anticipation if you will… That is drawing it closer to you and gives off the expression of time seemingly flying by...
And that is why we are here with a gift for you… And that is the gift of unlimited possibility… The gift of alignment and balance… The gift of love and nurturing… The gift of guidance and protection… There is only one gift that can embody all of these things, and in fact All There Is… And that is the gift of the Present! For what is truly alive but in the present? All else is simply held together by your belief...
Peace and Joy live in the Present… Forgiveness and Acceptance lives in the Present… Trust and Faith live in the Present… And they are very willing to share their gifts with you if you can only be in the Present with them... And likewise when you are not in the experience and expression of these states, it is a good indicator that you're not in the Present… Indeed you are more than likely in the conversation or thoughts of what has happened, or projected out toward what may happen… And that is why Peace and Joy are not always attainable in these states, it is because the onlylife force or energy that they have… Comes from your mind and the power that you give it... While the present,comes from God's mind and therefore has infinite power and expression…
And as the Children of God, is this your rightful state... in the Present with your Father... That is where we all truly Live... and that is why it is the perfect gift for His sleeping and dreaming children... because it is the yellow brick road, if you will, it is the illuminated path to all that you search for... You see, even as you slumber in the darkness, and are not always aware of All that you Are...there is a Light, to guide your way... and this gift, is the Present...
We give you this gentle reminder beloved ones... Because we love and honor you… And because we hear your prayers and your worries… We stand with you through your journey and never leave your side… We are always Present with you!
In Love...
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