What a beautiful day it is Beloved ones…
What a beautiful day is it to be in Love… What a beautiful time is it to be
held within Love… We come to you in this time dear ones and we say to you, hold
your focus to not lose sight of what is truly important to you… For at this
time do we understand that your world has been seemingly influx and even
chaotic… As the old paradigm or reality has been, and is being, stripped away…
we can see that many of you have lost focus or become sidetracked by what are
circumstances or events within your life… And so we wish to bring you some
insight into these matters…
Dear ones, as the energies that are within
Earth's atmosphere at this time are merging and resonating within Earth's
energetic field… so are you yourself merging and resonating with these very
same energies… As one can see with all of the changes that is happening upon
the earth at this time, it is indeed a process to accommodate and assimilate
these vibrations… And so because this is a world of reflection, indeed as you
see your beautiful Mother Earth going through these changes… So also will you see
these changes reflected in your own lives… And just as the weather
anomalies, the hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis… the effects upon the wildlife
and the sea life on the planet… the extreme heat, which has yet to be seen… As
you see and witness and experience these changes of what we will call the
“Coalescing” of the earth, please know that your very own lives and indeed your
very own bodies are going through the very same Coalescing…
And this phenomenon holds true within all
of the planetary systems throughout the Universe… There are first the energies…
the pure Love and Light vibrations that are sent out from our Source in the
center of the cosmos, and as it gathers
and collects it is being coalesced into form… And so dear ones this time that
we are in presently, is your very own coalescing process… And so we wish to
again shed some light into this phenomenon so that you can experience this
beautiful process with as much power and love as possible… Indeed, this process
can be fearful if one is not in understanding of what is happening… The ego or
identity self believes that the world revolves around it, that everything that
seems to happen or occur within one's lifetime is happening TO her or him… this
may bring up fear, anger, confusion… or any one of the many lower vibration
emotions or thoughts forms because this is indeed looked upon as an attack on
oneself… And so we are here today to tell you that this is not an attack, that
there is nothing happening to you… But indeed everything is happening FOR you…
Your new life is the butterfly that is within its cocoon, and this time that we
are in is considered the photosynthesis and metamorphosis phase… This is where
you are coalesced into the beautiful being that is possible…
We wish to give you what we would say is a
guide or road-map to where you are within this process…. So that there may be insight and some
understanding as to what is going on around you, as well as within you… We will
say that there are three points at which one may be in this process, and as you
are able to perceive where you are within your own journey… may it bring you
some peace of mind as well as guidance as to what is next for you… there are
those upon the earth who are not invested in your peace or what may be possible
for humanity… in fact they are steadfast on maintaining the status quo, and
will use fear to detour and distract you… they cannot operate in Love, and that
is why they do not wish to see this plan succeed… and so indeed, as we are and
have always been here with you… are we here at this time, to be your Light in
the dark… please know beloved ones, there are a multitude of angels and beings
that love and stand with you… you are never alone…
The first group of humanity that we will
address, will be the group that is at the beginning of this coalescing process…
For you there has been great change of recent, to your life and perhaps even to
your body… I mentioned that the old paradigm or reality is beginning to fall
apart… Things are changing in your life.
This may be reflected by way of your employment, or living situation, or
perhaps through your relationships… The future that seemed to be so very clear
for you, is now beginning to become fuzzy or nondescript… And so this leaves
you in a vulnerable place in your life… What you thought was So about your life
is not so anymore… This can create much confusion, anxiety, angst, fear and
worry… This group has become quite content with what is the direction of their
lives, and so it comes as quite a shock for it to be shaken up if you will, at
this point… Some within this group have had in inner knowing that something is
coming, and so this helps to be more at ease within the process… Even though
there may not be an understanding as to what is happening… And for you we
say that your inner knowing is
correct… indeed there is change coming to
earth and her children, and what you are experiencing in this time is the means
to that change… And then there are those of you who have become totally
blindsided in that you have been so occupied with your life and its
circumstances, that you have not even slowed down enough to listen to that
inner voice that is giving you some foresight as to what is coming… And so as we
are in this process, you have become suddenly slowed down in those
circumstances… so much so that you're beginning to become aware that something
is happening… and to this group we say, do not fear and do not worry that your
life is crumbling before you… We would say seek out those who are positive in
nature and intent… Those who are negative in nature and intent will serve only
to keep you in confusion and fear… and will slow down this process for you,
causing much grief and heartache in your life… One of the most effective tools that you possess at this time is your Forgiveness... Forgiveness makes way for Healing, so be in practice with yourself and others... Keep your faith dear ones… This
is a perfect time to join a temple or church that you have been wanting to
join, perhaps there is a meditation circle that is within your neighborhood
that you may wish to visit… We say to you, dear sisters and brothers Find the
Light… That is how you will bring grace and ease to this process for yourself…
Seek out the Light… be it in those who are around you, or simply within
yourself… Pray and ask for guidance and those who are there to guide you will
show up at your doorstep… This, I can promise you…
The next group we will discuss, will be the
group that has in earnest already begun the process afore mentioned… Your lives
have been shaken up and you have withstood the initial encounter with what are
the energies and vibrations that are now upon the planet… You have begun to
work with these energies… You have endured the changes to what is your old
reality, and you are in acceptance that there is a new reality forming for you…
we can see that many of you are lost as to how to call this new reality toward
you… You would be what one would say is a spiritual person, you have indeed
ignited the flame of love that burns within us all… And so do you hold that
flame… those who wish to control life on earth have created a system in which
it is not so widely or readily accepted to explore one's own spirituality
outside of religion… And so when a time such as this, which is a very important
time spiritually, is upon you... you are
not afforded many resources as to aid you in this discovery of the very Self
that you are… For many of you it has now become a reality that you are indeed a
Spiritual being having a human or physical experience… You have known this deep
within your Soul, and it is at this time that you are able to actually perceive
this… So to this group we say, dear ones continue to move forward... Continue to seek out that which you Are…
Continue to be curious… The question: What is my life about? or What is my
purpose here? Has been floating around
in your consciousness more than ever… for a part of you knows that this
experience of life is indeed about much more than simply making a dollar, or
existing… You are well on your path dear ones, and you are doing well… Continue
to move forward in your self-discovery… And all will be revealed to you… You
would notice that as you continue along in your
self-discovery, that your life
will be in alignment… as what is your physical self or small self, is now
aligned with what is your spirit self or higher self… And I will say to you,
dear ones that there is no feeling that you have felt, no experience that you
have had, that can encompass the Grace and Beauty and Power that comes from
being in alignment with your true Source… Indeed did you come here with a
purpose… And I would tell you that you are so close to that discovery… Continue
to move forward dear ones, and watch your life be a reflection of the Beauty
and Synchronicity that you are!
The final group that we will address today
I have many times called the “Senior Class”… You have been on this journey for
quite some time… Most of you are well aware of the ascension and what earth is
going through and going to… You have already discovered the spirituality of
your being… Your abilities to connect with all of life, that which is physical and that which is
nonphysical… You understand that it is you and humanity who must assist this
process, who must care for the earth as she goes to her changes… And it is you
who have begun to release and heal what we will call the planetary karma…. When the call was put out some millions of
years ago, throughout the cosmos for those who wish to serve this mission of
what is saving humanity and Earth… Was it You, who answered the call! You are indeed the brave Warriors who have
come down from what we will call higher realms of life form to be submersed in
physicality, to be in the experience of what is pain and anger and fear and
sorrow… And that is why many of you have never fit in, if you will, to what is
the picture that those who wish to control humanity have set forth… For you
remember another time, where indeed did peace and love flourish throughout the
earth… And these memories are with you, they serve to hold the space for what
is possible for Earth and her children… You are my light workers… Close your
eyes dear ones and allow that beautiful site as we stand just outside of
Earth's atmosphere and we look down at Earth before our descent… I am preparing
you for what you will experience, I have made you aware that you will have no
memory of who and what you are.. and that you will lose sight of the Grace and
the Beauty and the Love that you were created from... and see how eager you all
were to begin this journey… to begin this mission of setting Free all life on
Earth… And for you dear ones, be the Example… Be Available… Be in Service… As
this time of what is the ascension, and I have many times called a graduation of
sorts, is very quickly approaching… Is it even more important that you are
visible and available for those who are in need of guidance to seek out… This
does not have to look in any certain way dear ones, it is simply honoring your
agreement to serve humanity… Indeed, there are many of you who may be known
globally or nationally for your service… and indeed there are those of you who
are simply known as a good person to take advice from… A person who always has
a positive outlook… A person who always seems to know just the right things to
say, and has just the right perspective… This is because you are in that alignment
dear ones and so what there is left for
you to do at this time is to be available, which is to be IN example of what is
possible… There are many upon your planet who have only the examples of those
who are darker or more negative in nature… And so do we say, let your Light
shine… let your Light be visible so that you may stand as a Lighthouse, a
Beacon of Light for those who are seeking their way out of darkness… this is
your agreement…
We offer this guide to you, dear ones.. So
that you may more easily navigate this terrain… I will promise you beloved ones
what lies ahead is only what can be described as simply Brilliant or Marvelous…
It is everything that one would imagine from what is a Golden Age… Hold the
picture of what you want your life to look like with all your intention and
faith… And be in amazement of the Brilliance and Divinity that will be
manifested right before your eyes… And know dear ones that You yourself are
that very Divinity and Brilliance… Enjoy yourselves and each other in your
experience of life… We are with you always… We are just beside you…
In Love…
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