Saturday, July 24, 2010


Beloved ones... we are delighted to greet you upon this day! On the day that would serve as your weekend... two days, at the end of your week... which are set aside, to honor yourselves... to allow what is your play, or your relaxation... your time for family and community... even in your forgetfulness of what you are in FULL, there is still the memory that these things need a time and space of their own. That these things are precious... reverent... that these are the things that MATTER..

As you go forth and experience Your weekend, we ask that you remember your Grace... that part of you that moves in total synchronicity with each other... with the world... with the Universe... allow yourself to flow like the wind that you are, full of beauty.. and vibrancy... bringing life to all that you flow upon... allow your Love to breeze dear ones... the majesty of the wind, is that nothing can detour it.. it is absolutely sure in its purpose, which is to bring that refreshing memory of Grace... of beauty... and so, we say to you... be as the wind, do not let allow yourself to be held down this weekend... let your Love flow... this is being in Grace!

Treasure your time and experiences with each other... Be In Love.... Michael

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