Thursday, December 2, 2010

Human Pride!

Greetings Brothers and Sisters... I/we are pleased to be in union with you upon this day! We Love You, and are jumping for joy at the progresses you have made as a movement of humanity. This is a very special time in Humanity.. now, more than any other time in your history, are you closer to understanding the Truth of yourselves. And as the time of Ascension nears, will you understand more and more...

Being Human affords you some very unique experiences that can be found no where else in the Cosmos... the physical experience of emotions, of Love, of anger, of guilt, of pleasure.. cannot be experienced to the likes of Humanity's experience... cannot be expressed in the ways available and innate to you... this is truly a gift dear ones.. and the reason why many throughout the cosmos wish to have an "Earthly" experience, to have the freedom to express as you do.. as well, this is why those of us in the Angelic realms watch so closely over you, to preserve and keep sacred your gift of life in this way..

We commend you dear ones for your journey... as individuals, and as a species, a collective.. Perhaps you do not know, but you contribute to the entire Universe with your growth... as you understand and Love each other and your Mother Earth, does the Universe as a whole expand further and further... We bring this to your awareness because many of you believe that you are not serving any purpose here, that this life, YOUR life, is only about your immediate circumstances... I am here to tell you beloved ones, it is about so much more... and YOU are about so much more, than the mundane circumstances that comprise your everyday world... You are here to Love each other, and to Grow your species... to learn and explore your world and each other... to expand and improve who you are as a person, and as Humanity and Earthlings!

Do you look upon everyone you see as a brother or sister?? Do you look upon your Earth as the Mother she is to you?? Indeed both are True... As I look about your world, their is much pride as to one's race, social status, gender, education, sexual orientation, income... there is much to be proud of in your experience of life... what I am asking of you my beloved sisters and brothers, is to allow your perceptions to expand and your awareness to include HUMAN PRIDE! EARTH PRIDE! For indeed you are all Human, born from Earth...

One of the luxuries of your planet is that Humanity is the most intelligent life form upon it physically, so in a sense you don't have to share your planet with other life forms of equal or greater intelligence... therefore you dominate and enforce your will upon the planet... being that this is a world of duality and reflections, there is obviously comparisons and competition to/with each other... which leads one to take a certain pride in his or her race or geological placements for the achievements and advancements of that whole...

As nothing in this Universe is fixed, and everything is constantly changing, growing, evolving.. lets just assume, that there will be a time when you are not the only intelligent lifeforms on this planet... what if you were only one of MANY?? Hundreds?? Then, as you would encounter another human, you would look upon her or him as a sister or brother... regardless to what race they were, or where they were born on the planet.. then, the pride that you have for your individual races or status would be applied to humanity as a whole would it not?

I do not use this example to illicit fear dear ones, although I know that the thought of sharing dominion of your planet does bring up fear.. and do you know why?? Because you are divided.. and feel that you will be alone in this scenario... if there were true Unity amongst Humanity, this would not bring fear... in fact, it would be welcomed! And so we say to you, embrace your Humanity! Love your human brothers and sisters, the time is NOW to bring Union to your species and your planet.. do this in whatever way you are guided to.. perhaps a gentle smile to those who's paths you cross, perhaps be in-service locally and abroad... helping others in need, giving to those who are not as fortunate as you... your kindness and good wishes count beloved ones.. Love and care for your Mother Earth... there is a host of eco-conscious movements taking place now on your planet... you are WAKING UP to this realization... pick up litter when you can... dispose of harmful chemicals properly... there are no parameters for showing your Love for the Earth... take your children to the park instead of the mall, or maybe the beach... say a prayer for her, spend time enjoying nature... this is how you Love her... this is Unity...

In Love..

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