Friday, July 12, 2013

The BEcoming of You!

Good day beloved sisters and brothers! What a beautiful and exciting time is this upon earth. What a wonderful time of creation this is. What a fascinating time of BEcoming is this. We have spoken to you in previous transmissions or messages of the changes and shifts that have taken place and that are unfolding for you at this time. And so as we stand here, in what we will call the becoming of the Golden age of humanity... Do we speak of BE-coming. I am sure it is quite apparent, as of these times, that things, life, earth, you, are changing. We can witness this change as far out as what we will call the universe. The galaxy and galaxies that we are within. And closer to home, as in the planet that we live upon. Changes to her structure and composition. Changes to her climate and ecosystems. And we can begin to step closer in, as we witness these changes affecting our societies. Our governments. Our communities. And as we step even closer, can we perceive these changes within our very own families, our work environments, our relationships, and indeed our very selves.

What you are witnessing, beloveds, is what we will call the BEcoming. This is not a new concept, for indeed as change is constant, everything is always and has always been becoming what it is at any given moment in time. This is not a static universe, and so nothing is fixed or stagnant. It is quite the opposite in that everything is always changing. Growing, shrinking, moving, imploding, exploding, becoming. And so what is truly fascinating about this time dear ones, is the level of participation that you are allowed in this process. And more importantly, the ever expansive realm of possibilities that lie within it. This is what is known as co-creation.

And so what does this mean for you? It means that there is an opportunity to not only play a bigger role in BEcoming the you that you know you can be, but also you are in complete control of designing and creating what your new life will be. You see, the old system of things, was based in duality.. Positive and negative, light and dark. This means that there was always an existing opposite to everything. While there was love, there was also a fear. While there was triumph, there was also failure. While there was good, there was also bad. And so what begin to happen time and time again, lifetime after lifetime. Is that humanity begin to expect the negative.. This is where humanity chose to focus its perception. And this is, in good part, due to the machine of control and manipulation that has been in power throughout this past cycle of humanity. You see dear ones... you have been guided or programmed, we will say, to always look for and expect the negative. You have been shown throughout history, the negative affects of love... of trusting others... of believing in yourself... Your news, social networks, and other media are used as tools to keep this programming in place.. You have become so de-sensitized to what is negativity, that it has now become accepted as normal. When you are in a position to open your heart to receive or give love to/from another, your programming tells you to protect your heart for fear of being hurt. Or lied to... Or taken advantage of... And so this is how you have been walking through life... Hiding or protecting what is your true being or essence, for fear that something negative will happen.

Again I will say, this model only seems to serve those who wish to control and manipulate you. Who wish to keep you in fear of being who you truly are, and who you truly can be. Those seeking to dominate power over you, to further their very own agenda. Whether they be a spouse, a friend or family member, or a political or governmental system. I am only emphasizing this point so that it may become more recognizable as it appears to you.

This my dear sisters and brothers is a part of the old system or cycle of humanity. And that is why, as we stand here in the becoming of what is the Golden age of humanity, it is such a fascinating time. Because we are no longer held captive by the shackles of the old consciousness or system of things. Indeed we are now birthing what will be the new consciousness or system of things as humanity moves forward. And what you will see that will be different about this time, is while the old system was more focused upon the negative. This system will be more focused upon the positive. In fact the true nature or essence of what is humanity was always based or focused in the positive. You have been allowed to, we will say "experiment", with what is the negative side of duality. And as the past system is deteriorating and falling apart, so is humanity becoming what it is truly created to be, which is a species promoting and exemplifying love.

And all things are possible in Love! And so dear ones that means that all things are possible in who you are BEcoming! As you allow the old programming or consciousness that you have been born into to fall away, you will notice and feel what seems to be a new confidence. A new power. A new elegance. A new strength of who you are. You have always been this, but you have chosen to see and believe yourself as otherwise, and so in a sense you have been cut off from all that is available to you. Thus perpetuating the old system of fear and failure. But now as you move forward in becoming who you know you can be... You can tell that many of those old shackles are no longer there, or are a weakened version of what they once were. Within this new cycle of humanity you are rewarded for thinking positively. As you allow yourself to move through the illusion that you are somehow weak or inadequate in whatever way, will you begin to see yourself emerge as the all-powerful daughter or son of God that you truly are. And as you begin to understand that this is your true essence. Will you also begin to harness the power of the great spirit which is the universe that is all things and everything around you. This has been your gift from your Father, this is your tool in co-creating who you are and the life you can have. All that is needed is to understand the universal language, and all that the universe has to offer... Beauty, wealth, abundance, love, joy, peace... Will be given as you have asked for. Next we will discuss this language. Until then, we will hold you in our hearts. And we are always beside you.

In Love..


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