Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The best Gift ever given...
Even in unconsciousness have you recognized that this remembrance of Christ is a gift... because indeed was Christ a gift... and as Christ shared his gift with the world, so do you share gifts in this remembrance of him.. Please know dear ones, that just as Christ shared his gifts with many... it was HIM himself, who was the gift... just as it is YOU beloved sisters and brothers who are the true gifts to those whom you love and care for... know that your very existence, has been a gift for those around you... your children most certainly, your friends, your family... those who you smile at along your way... YOU ARE THE GIFT
And so as you receive this Christmas season, know that our Father has not forgotten you... just look around, and see all your Gifts!
In Love,
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Human Pride!
Being Human affords you some very unique experiences that can be found no where else in the Cosmos... the physical experience of emotions, of Love, of anger, of guilt, of pleasure.. cannot be experienced to the likes of Humanity's experience... cannot be expressed in the ways available and innate to you... this is truly a gift dear ones.. and the reason why many throughout the cosmos wish to have an "Earthly" experience, to have the freedom to express as you do.. as well, this is why those of us in the Angelic realms watch so closely over you, to preserve and keep sacred your gift of life in this way..
We commend you dear ones for your journey... as individuals, and as a species, a collective.. Perhaps you do not know, but you contribute to the entire Universe with your growth... as you understand and Love each other and your Mother Earth, does the Universe as a whole expand further and further... We bring this to your awareness because many of you believe that you are not serving any purpose here, that this life, YOUR life, is only about your immediate circumstances... I am here to tell you beloved ones, it is about so much more... and YOU are about so much more, than the mundane circumstances that comprise your everyday world... You are here to Love each other, and to Grow your species... to learn and explore your world and each other... to expand and improve who you are as a person, and as Humanity and Earthlings!
Do you look upon everyone you see as a brother or sister?? Do you look upon your Earth as the Mother she is to you?? Indeed both are True... As I look about your world, their is much pride as to one's race, social status, gender, education, sexual orientation, income... there is much to be proud of in your experience of life... what I am asking of you my beloved sisters and brothers, is to allow your perceptions to expand and your awareness to include HUMAN PRIDE! EARTH PRIDE! For indeed you are all Human, born from Earth...
One of the luxuries of your planet is that Humanity is the most intelligent life form upon it physically, so in a sense you don't have to share your planet with other life forms of equal or greater intelligence... therefore you dominate and enforce your will upon the planet... being that this is a world of duality and reflections, there is obviously comparisons and competition to/with each other... which leads one to take a certain pride in his or her race or geological placements for the achievements and advancements of that whole...
As nothing in this Universe is fixed, and everything is constantly changing, growing, evolving.. lets just assume, that there will be a time when you are not the only intelligent lifeforms on this planet... what if you were only one of MANY?? Hundreds?? Then, as you would encounter another human, you would look upon her or him as a sister or brother... regardless to what race they were, or where they were born on the planet.. then, the pride that you have for your individual races or status would be applied to humanity as a whole would it not?
I do not use this example to illicit fear dear ones, although I know that the thought of sharing dominion of your planet does bring up fear.. and do you know why?? Because you are divided.. and feel that you will be alone in this scenario... if there were true Unity amongst Humanity, this would not bring fear... in fact, it would be welcomed! And so we say to you, embrace your Humanity! Love your human brothers and sisters, the time is NOW to bring Union to your species and your planet.. do this in whatever way you are guided to.. perhaps a gentle smile to those who's paths you cross, perhaps be in-service locally and abroad... helping others in need, giving to those who are not as fortunate as you... your kindness and good wishes count beloved ones.. Love and care for your Mother Earth... there is a host of eco-conscious movements taking place now on your planet... you are WAKING UP to this realization... pick up litter when you can... dispose of harmful chemicals properly... there are no parameters for showing your Love for the Earth... take your children to the park instead of the mall, or maybe the beach... say a prayer for her, spend time enjoying nature... this is how you Love her... this is Unity...
In Love..
Friday, November 19, 2010
What About Peace?
I am here to tell you beloved sisters and brothers, your Peace is within you.. it is with you at all times, though you choose to give it away quite frequently... you give it to your partner, your husband, your wife... maybe your Ex husband or wife? you give it to your children, your friends... you give your peace away to work most often, or, the lack of work... "If I only had money, or a stable and secure means of income, I would be at peace." You give your peace to the economy and world affairs, to your government... and after all of this, what Peace do you keep for yourself?
Peace, Love, and Happiness are your BIRTH-RIGHTS dear ones... it was gifted to you by your Father as you begin your existence.. and as it is yours, you can choose to give it away.. and what we say to you upon this day beloved ones, is HAVE YOUR PEACE... because indeed it is YOUR Peace! each and every one is entitled to and deserving of Peace... and so, Allow yourself to have Peace..
What this means, is to let go of the things you have chosen INSTEAD of your Peace... like the arguments, the opinions of others, the opinions of yourself... the judging of yourself... that you are not worthy of Peace, until you get that job.. or become rich... or find a mate... or accomplish that goal... or be successful... you can have Peace NOW, if you would only allow yourself to... and indeed it is time dear ones, for as you know the holiday season is upon us.. giving us a multitude of places to give our Peace to... have Peace this holiday season, and witness how much more joyful the experience will be.. this I can assure you of!
And if you are not sure where your Peace is within you, sit still... enjoy the silence and Peace of YOU... Pray and ask for Peace, ask to be in receivership of Peace... Your Father is listening, and will gently show you where your Peace is...
Lastly, I will say.. if you are wondering what you can give to all those things that you would give your Peace to? Give your Love... Keep your Peace, and give Love to all those things that come for your Peace... for Love is yours to share, and only gets stronger within you, the more it is given away... while your Peace, is YOUR Peace.. it belongs to You... and only You should have it! So be it!
Always, in Love..
Friday, November 12, 2010
Choose Love!
Dear ones, life on this planet is about the experience of duality... the good, the bad... the healthy, the sick... the rich, the poor... the right, the wrong... the laughing, and the crying... happiness, or sadness... in truth, there is really only one choice, Love or Fear... which is to say, unity with the ALL... or separation... because indeed the Fear only comes from the belief that you Are or could ever Be separate from the ALL... while Love is the embrace-ment and acknowledge-ment that you are indeed in union with the ALL... the Universe, Source, God, Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, Yaweh... what is in a name anyways??? it is only Fear that says who we are is in a name, because it is Fear that tells us we are separate and therefore must be delineated by a name... or a car... or a house.. or a profession... or by our possessions... while IN LOVE, none of this matters... because Love tells us that we ARE recognized, we ARE SEEN, and we ARE HEARD... I can assure you that HE does not mind whatever name you choose to call HIM, what is important is that you are calling HIM! and again, I know that you all know who I speak of when I say HE.. which is not a name at all...
and so we say to you, Choose Love! In every moment, you are faced with how you will respond... dear ones, Choose Love... and when you do, witness what will be revealed to you... for with Love, comes the gifts of seeing as HE does, and being in Union with HIM. Claim your gifts, beloved ones, and Choose Love!
always, In Love...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Mis-belief no more...
Just as you have been limited in your abilities as human beings, so have you been limited in your beliefs... these have served a purpose, they have served YOU dear ones... they have kept you safe in your humanity, for it was not the time for you to KNOW what you truly are... there were indeed further lessons of duality to be experienced... and this you have done beloved ones, painstakingly no doubt... you have learned the lessons of judgment, you have both judged and been judged... you have been IN fear and also Caused fear... you have hurt, and also been hurt... you have experienced and explored these illusions of duality to the furthest of extremes... and now it is time to know the truth...
The truth that you cannot be hurt, the truth that there is NO Fear... the truth that what you are cannot be diminished in any way... the truth that all there IS is Love.. the truth that all YOU are is Love... and with this truth comes new perception, and with new perception come new abilities... the ability to manifest, the ability to co-create your reality... You see dear ones, in Truth, you were not created to be in fear, to live in lack, to experience pain, to be hurt... you were created Perfect... it is only YOUR belief that you are Not perfect, that keeps you from the perfection that is yours... and again, this has served a purpose... and again once more, now is the time to know the Truth...
As these mis-beliefs about yourselves and your world are beginning to come up for you, just allow... although YOU may not be in conscious awareness of what is taking place, they are... and this is indeed why they are making their way to the surface if you will, this is why these things... some of which have not been "up" for you in years, are "up" and will be "up" for you... allow them their passage, for even as mis or false beliefs.. they know that their true place is in the light... and it is the light they seek...
So as you are turned down for the job or promotion that you are applying for, re-engaged in an old argument with a family member... or perhaps left broken hearted because the one you chose to love, does not choose to love you... it is not because you are too mean, or too nice, too poor, or too controlling, perhaps not beautiful enough, or smart enough... it is because those limiting beliefs need a way to come up... so again ALLOW them to come up in whatever way they come up for you, and Know that it is not about the physical manifestation that is before you... but what comes up INSIDE of you... this is what called the physical manifestation before you... be thankful dear ones, that this has happened so that these hidden beliefs can be Seen and Witnessed and allowed to move on... For where you are going, they are no longer needed...
While we understand that this is not the most pleasing things to hear, we hope that you understand we are only attempting to shed light upon what is the process... So that when these things come up, you are not caught up in the "story" of it all... and become stuck in these mis-beliefs for a moment longer... they have burdened you long enough, let them go... so that you can have new perception, and know your Greatness!
In Love...
Friday, October 8, 2010
Yes Greatness! For what can BE of God and not be great? What can embody the light of the Universe, and not indeed be Powerful? This is you... and so again I say to you.. release your limitation and BE the Greatness you are intended to be! You have all the tools and abilities needed to accomplish any goal that your heart is set on! and to this we say.. Go For it! The world is awaiting your emergence... The Universe is holding the space for your victory! You need only to be focused with heart, mind, and body..
Previously we have asked you to Step Up... and now Mighty Warriors, we are asking that you Step Into your Greatness!
We are with you always... in Love..
Friday, October 1, 2010
Stepping Up!
We all have a "share", we are all equal in God's eye's and therefore each contribute an important component to the total ALL. Just as the Earth needs the Sun and the Moon to do their part, You my friends, have a part as well... and this "part" that each of you hold, contributes to the infinity that is the Universe... that is God... Yes! is this so hard to believe? That YOU can contribute to God? I can assure you that this is SO... and if you look inside, and listen to your heart... you know that this is truth as well...
Of course, the big question is... What is MY part??? As we are all aspects of a wonderful, joyous, vital, and loving Father... our "part" is to Be all that we can Be! Our contribution is to BE in Joy, and BE in Love, and BE Happy... and most of all, to know and acknowledge that we are that aspect of something truly Glorious and Divine.. that we are indeed our Father's creations. That is all that is asked of us dear ones... live your lives, and be happy and free... and acknowledge the God within YOU.. this is all that is asked... and even then, it is not required... for our Father is truly a loving and forgiving Father, and therefore carries no judgment or expectation for you. You have been given this Life as a Gift, to do with as you please... all that is asked, is that you enjoy and acknowledge this Gift...
Please do not place any judgments on how one must enjoy and acknowledge, for your Father does not... whether you are a President or a bus driver, a Doctor or a janitor, it matters not... you still give equal contribution to ALL when you enjoy your life and acknowledge who YOU are, and WHO you come from.. There is no status or occupation that is more palpable than another in God's eyes..
You see dear ones, as you acknowledge who you are.. and WHAT moves thru you... you ENLIGHTEN everything that you touch... all that is in your path is Awakened to its Truth as well.. that we are more than just the bodies that house us... more than what can be contained, unlimited... the more that YOU can acknowledge this, the more that humanity as a whole can begin to perceive this... and the more that humanity can percieve its true Being-ness, the less anger and hate and violence there has to be in the world... for how can these things live in the hearts of God? indeed these only exist in the absence of God... but how can God be absent? he most certainly can not... however, He can be forgotten... and this is why you must remember, awaken to, and acknowledge that HE lives in and moves thru YOU my beloved's with every breath you take...
So indeed, each of us has a part to play in the 'bigger picture" also known as "the Divine Order or Plan"... this is why I come to you upon this day and in this way... this is why we who remain in the "unseen" care for you so dearly... and offer without question or judgment our hands and hearts and guidance... you see, this is "Our" part... and we are happy to contribute! :-)
Please beautiful ones, enjoy your weekends... and acknowledge the God that lives within you! So Be It!
Your Brother..
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
For this Force within you, the infinite Power that you are accessing in these moments, sees no limitation... and get it's instruction from that which is all knowing, and all seeing, that place deep within your hearts... that has not forgotten, that IS Awake... that knows of the illusion before you, which you are blinded by... it gently raises you up, and holds you in its belly as it fly's thru the smokescreen of illusion... of mis-belief.. to what could only be new perception... leaving in it's trail, a new belief that perhaps, just perhaps, you were wrong... and are indeed mightier, and stronger than you had come to know yourself previously...
This is the wonder of what you are... this is the beauty of all that you BE... this is the Grace of the divinity within you... this is the Force of God... within You. Carry along in your day, and enjoy it.. knowing that you are so much More than your brain would like for you to believe... this belief is put in place to keep you safe, and so it is indeed necessary... however, it can only perceive of itself.. which is limited to a physical body... and has no means of perceiving and utilizing ALL that You are, and THAT which moves thru You...
And so, it is time to have Faith... it is time to Live Beyond even your dreams... to reach higher than even the Stars... My beloved's it is time BE Awake... and BE Amazed!
IN Love...
Monday, September 6, 2010
Your Attention Please...
As you have evolved and thirsted for, fought, and bleed for equality... for rights... you have been learning to Love yourselves, and more importantly, the different reflections of yourselves... and therefore re-membering that you are all reflections of one another... and this Love , this Re-member-ance of who You are, is what has shifted Humanity into a higher vibration of consciousness... as well, and indeed, if one is choosing to pay attention to what would be the lower or darker levels of consciousness... it is certainly there... and being Awakened to the true Love and Light that IT is in every moment, I must say... this is thanks to your prayers and attention being maintained to the highest good for all...
Dear ones, you see.... it is YOUR light, the Light of You that gives life and creation to whatever it is you are choosing to shine that Light upon... it is the Love of You, that allows your Earth to heal herself... it is the Compassion of You, that is ending hunger and disease... and so, with this... your attention becomes of great importance... to be children of God as we all are, is a great gift... to be in Co-creation with our Father in the way that Humanity is, is a most treasured expression of Love... for you have the gift of giving Life to your thoughts... and this, dear ones... is what we mean by Attention... Where are you choosing to spend your Attention?
As your world is most certainly a world of Duality, there will always be a choice my Beloved... a choice of where to place your Attention, your Breath of Life.... while each one has her or his own journey to travel, we would never interfere with, and will always honor, Your choice... what we would say on this, is to keep in mind that we are all reflections... and so, as you wish to see more Love, Compassion, Acceptance... Freedom, Kindness, and Abundance, for instance... out in your world, as you wish to see these qualities of Life reflected back to you... we would say dear ones, pay Attention to these qualities in yourselves... Before Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness can be seen in your world, you must first give these to YOURSELF! Which is to Attend to the Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness of Yourselves...
We do not mislead when we speak of your Power.... truly Powerful and Blessed You are... Paying Attention to your thoughts and their nature... is to truly memorialize Humanity and Your wonderful evolution... what a beautiful phenomenon it is that as You focus on, and give attention to, loving yourselves and having the lives that you want... that your entire World also receives this gift through your reflection... Truly Powerful and blessed You are...
In Love...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The company you keep...
As your Earth is shifting and preparing for what is to come, so are you dear ones... her most beloved offspring.. we understand that in this time of recalibration and remembrance, the vision of the Divine plan for yourselves as well as your planet is not always clear... and as it is currently for most in your world, perhaps not visible at all... and still there is a plan for You... and still your Father is conspiring in your best interest... while you may not see the path before you, let me assure you that it is there... and that you are on it.. Because you are so beloved to your Father, such a brilliant reflection of what HE is... you are the co-creator of your path.. you have the free will and the ability of mind and body to co-create what will manifest in your lives...
And so we say to you... as you are on your paths, and as you are co-piloting this journey which is the Experience called Life.. let compassion and forgiveness be your dear friends... allow them to share their wisdom and insights with you, for there is much to see through their eyes... they are seasoned teachers, and offer you all the gifts of their knowledge... if you will only receive it... the beauty of co-creation is that YOU have the choice of who will accompany you along your journey... and indeed there are many waiting to take the trek with you... they show up in your life as anger, as pain, as suffering, as grief, as struggle, as fear... and they wait anxiously to inform you, and to be employed by you... you see without you, they have no experience... and as this Earth is a world of reflections, those we employ along our journeys will surely be reflected back to us...
We would ask that you choose your friends wisely, that you monitor who's advice you are seeking... while anger or pain or fear or jealousy will be your best friends if you allow them to... they will never tell you that their very existence is contingent upon you not seeing your path clearly... not understanding your purpose, not understanding your power, not understanding your divinity.. Your Father did not create you to be in anger or fear or pain, but they will never tell you that... while your friends compassion and forgiveness will remind you of this in every moment... and as well, will reflect that same wisdom back to you through those in your life...
Dear ones, We Love you in your journey and as you are walking your path... whatever path you choose to walk, and with whatever friends you choose to employ... you are Loved... Blessed are we all, that our Father chooses his friends wisely... and so WE receive the reflections of compassion and forgiveness....
IN Love, Michael...
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
What I am not...
Ok, so whats been "up" for me in the moment are my priorities.. I was asked by one of my Teachers and brothers Indra, what my priorities were in the moment... so of course, it was 1. hit the lottery. and 2. Marry Halle Berry or Alicia Keyes. lol So maybe I wasn't THAT honest :) but basically I said money or means to support a happy and free lifestyle, and good relationships.. he asked me to come up with a mission statement for myself and let that be my first priority just for a week.. the next day I sat down, and asked for guidance and assistance in discovering this mission statement for myself... I wrote it out using my non-dominant hand, which corresponds with the side of the brain that is less of the ego and more of the spiritual:
My purpose here on this Earth, here in this life, here in this moment... Is to stand in my truth, is to stand FOR truth. To inspire and facilitate healing and awakening. My duty is to my brothers and sisters of humanity, to be a light, to be a guide. This is, and always has been, the mission of a Peaceful Warrior.
As I sat with that and allowed it to resonate... I could feel down to the cells in my body, that this was True for me... it is such a beautiful thing for one to know/feel his or her purpose... it gives me a true sense of direction, it gives me a higher perspective to observe from... one that is not based on anything that has happened in my life, and doesn't feel tainted with my ego perception... Amazing! What's even better, is that as this is settling in... I realize that if this is where I am choosing to place my belief... if this is TRUE for me, and really what I am here for... There is now vision to see all that I am NOT here for:
I am not here to be hurt. I am not here to be a failure. I am not here to suffer. I am not here to be in lack. I am not here to be poor. I am not here to be unnoticed. I am not here to be jealous. I am not here to be betrayed. I am not here to be guilty. I am not here to struggle. I am not here to be in fear. I AM NOT HERE TO BE STRESSED! I am not here to be lonely. I am not here to be a victim. I am not here to be discriminated. I am not here to be sad. I AM NOT HERE TO BE OVERWEIGHT. (really like that one) I am not here to hate. I am not here to be afraid. I am not here to be weak. I am not here to be ashamed. I am not here to be confused. I am not here to be abandoned. I am not here to be less than. I am not here to be powerless. I am not here to procrastinate or waste time. I am not here to be in servitude. I am not here to be a loser!
I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.. :) Now this doesn't mean that I'm gonna be skinny tomorrow, or that I'm never in my life gonna feel betrayed again... what it does mean, is that as I find myself in those moments... I can KNOW that I am not here for that, let it go, and choose again! The more TRUE is it for me, the easier it is to let go of the things I'm not.. its just another perspective to view life from, and certainly serves me better than the current perspective which has me blaming myself and others.. and feeling guilty all the time.. as our outside picture only reflects whats on the inside, the more this is practiced and understood... the more it is reflected in my family, in my friends.. in my work, in how I'm seen and treated... in my world!
And the beauty of Universality is that if this is true for me, then it is available for you as well.. What is currently "Up" in your life that is NOT what your here for? God created us to be happy... what can come from Love and not be happy? I would encourage you to discover your own mission statement, and take this journey for yourself... if, however, the mission statement above resonates with you... rings as Truth for you... then I would say consider the idea that you are a Warrior for Peace, just like me... and if it doesn't, perhaps you are a warrior for justice.. or freedom, or creation... maybe you are here to learn and explore... or maybe your just here to have fun and relax! lmao This is true you know.. we all have our paths...
Thank you for allowing me to share my path with you... it is not the most natural thing for me to do, I am especially private... it is your care-ful listening and open hearts that allows me the freedom and space to share myself in this way... Please feel free to share your journey with this as well! Love...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Upon this day, what we would bring to your attention.. and as I speak of we, I speak of all the Angels and beings of Love, throughout all dimensions, who whisper their loving wisdom and guidance to me and with me.. that it may passed on to you in this way... dear ones, you are so loved and watched over.. what we would bring to your attention on this day, is your TRUTH. what is the Truth of You? I can tell you that it is the same Truth that is me, that is all.. Truth is Universal.. all knowing... and ever present. Our unlimited source of Rightness of Perfection! Our Truth lives in our hearts.. and is with us always... for it is what aligns and connects us to that loving Flame that we are...
And so we say.. stand in your truth beloved ones... which is to say.. operate from your heart, where the Truth of you resides... the mind is fascinating, and indeed entertaining... but unfortunately not all knowing... it simply makes calculations from the input given.. .while our hearts, the truth of us, lends its wisdom and guidance from the eternal spark that is our Father.. as we access, and pay attention to this wisdom.. we are strengthening our alignment to what is our Source... As you move about your day, and in your relationships.. move from the TRUTH/ HEART of you.. acknowledge what your mind is telling you, and then move from what is in your Heart.. it is your best friend, your fearless protector, it is the lover of you... it is YOUR gift from the Father... and to accept, acknowledge, and make use of HIS gift is to know HIM.. and within that, to know YOURSELF.
There is an acronym which delights us very much.. an acronym for LIGHT- Living In Gods Heart Together- and with that, we are never far from you.. for we are all in LIGHT! Enjoy your day, and treasure your time and experiences with each other...
In Truth,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The more you allow, the more you will find that you ARE more… unlimited.. with endless potential and possibility.. and how does one Allow?? Very simply to let go… to surrender to what IS… to suspend judgment and meaning, so that reflection can be seen… and thus your reality can be realized… as responsibility is honored, and ownership is engaged… You are now aligned with the Universe, and she is ready to do your biding… Only beauty awaits you…
Monday, July 12, 2010
And so.. we begin!
As we begin this journey known as blogging, I am delighted at the idea of composing thoughts.. words.. for sharing with others. As technology moves forward and the probability of human to human interaction shortens, a mechanism for sharing thoughts/words is very much appropriate. There is so much power in our words. Our words can heal, our words can enlighten, our words are extensions of us. Although they are not always regarded as such. Perhaps if we understood that our words have life, are creations, that exist in this Universe just as we do. Perhaps if we realized that our words are an expression of God, given birth by us, who are creations of God, then they would be regarded with more reverence and honor. Our words are our gifts the Father, no different than our breath.
As our world shifts, there is much wonder as to the Father, our Source… The violence in our world, the manipulation and self-service of government… The ever growing face of greed in our economy and global relations. These things have had their time, as the Father watches like a loving parent who allows his children out to play... To run about and explore, to learn and grow… To experience and evolve. For how else will they understand? How else can they learn of Fairness, Compassion, Love… But to experience these things, as well as the lack of these things, with each other. As with any parent, the Father understands that his children are forever innocent… and holds them in the highest light. While he is saddened to see them fall off their bike and scrape their arms, or to be hurt or bullied in school… He sits at home and lovingly gives them space to experience. As darkness veils itself upon the day, it is time to call the children in, for they are indeed hungry and tired. He cleans their wounds, fills their bellies, and sends them to rest… And when they Awaken, the wounds are healed, the hurt is gone, the light of the Sun is out, and darkness is no more..
Enjoy your time at play, treasure and honor your experience with each other. Fear not the darkness, for Light is sure to come.